Vote for Necrosis in Florida to combat the zombie hordes

Day 945, 05:41 Published in USA USA by Necrosis

I enjoyed writing that title. It made me happy in a special way you’ll know when you’re older. See, the joke is, according to the FEC sheet, my only real opponent is an USWP zombie. And necrosis means, actually, google it you lazy duck. Needless to say it's pretty witty, if I do say so myself.

So, this month I’m running for congress in Florida. An actual election for once, instead of all this wasteland messing around. Firstly, who am I?

I’m the current congressional Speaker of the House, 3 term congressman, and general go to guy if people need advice that is always right. In the last 2 months I’ve overseen a radical change in the structure and legislation of congress; removing committee systems, encouraging debate, and removing all legislation other than the constitution and congressional code – next month’s congress has a clean slate to work from. For more information on the last month, please read this article, published in the congressional newspaper.

So, I’ve done awesome things and I’m awesome. What next? First up is the changes to the constitution and code explained in the linked article. With a hopefully more active congress than this month’s, we will be able to make real headway on the issue, and get it enacted within the month. I’d quite like to get the congressional newspaper off to a proper start next term too; it fell by the wayside this term, which I consider a shame. Next month is also that most looked forward too of months, a budget month. Given this month’s inactivity issues, I’d like to take another look at quorum, so that congress isn’t essentially dead in the water by the time PP elections roll by.

I could explain to you my positions on various issues; taxes, foreign affairs, military, but congress has less of a say than you think over these matters. The majority of the next few months will be adjustment for V2 of eRepublik, and working with the new modules – this is where congress should be focusing their energies for the foreseeable future. Look not to the present, but to the future.

Also, the other candidate is inferior, and a zombie. Everyone knows zombies are devoid of brains. So vote for me if you live in Florida.

I am Dio. You are Dio. We are Dio.