Vote for me this elections

Day 759, 21:55 Published in Australia Australia by Captain Briggs

With Russian president banned Brazil should be more occupied and less likely to overwhelm us so quickly. This means we will most likely still have a congress elections!

I say should you vote for me. 🙂
Also known as Pierric Bross I have been
Congressmen for South Africa 6 months
Minister of Information for South Africa 1 month
Mastermind behind an attempted take-over of Pakistan (which would have succeded if I wasn't banned for trolling the off-topic forums during the elections)

As Captain Briggs I have been;
Congressmen 1 term for Australia (incl. Deputy speaker on eaus forums)
Already ranked Colonel with lots of experience

I come here now asking for your vote, so I may return to a place within congress among the hands of my newest party, Peoples Democracy. 🙂

I boast extreme activity and an individual and open mind, as well as a critical thinker who will consider each and every proposal as it comes by. And this is all I can offer you, but for the job of a congressmen, it is probably the best credentials a man could have.