Vote for [Knighthawks] for a balanced future

Day 2,408, 22:42 Published in Australia Chile by Bree K

Knighthawks Military Council party
President: F0rse7i | Vice president: bk83
Secretary-General: ronnyJnrJnr | Councillor: LanyIsLost | Spokesman: Camshaft

Hi EAustralia

At day change you will be going to vote for the party you want to represent you in the first EAustralian congress elections that we've been able to have for some time.

Knighthawks is EAustralia's longest continuing party contesting this election. We have raised the careers of many former senators, speakers, cabinet ministers and prime ministers.

In our last edition we laid out a clear picture about how we operate and go about giving people a voice in the congress. We don't come with an agenda or a plan to crash the house. We listen to all ideas carefully and chart the middle course of what can be a delicate road in government. EAustralia is one of the smallest developed nations in the ERep world. We are not frightened or dismissive of the big picture around us and have always helped a friend in need.

Click here for the last article that goes into more detail.

We're proud to announce our nominees for congress.

Each of us have given to EAustralia and in the case of LanyIsLost and F0rse7i have done so for many years. Congress is a great place to launch careers but it's also a place for good guidance and wisdom to be available. Please help us to get Lany and F0rse7i elected.

Recruiting on!!

If you're interested in joining our party contact F0rse7i or me and we'll be happy to help. If you want to dive right in join the Knighthawks military council in game.

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