Vote for Iasov for ADTP President! Let us bring back the Libertarian Party!

Day 1,087, 15:48 Published in USA USA by Iasov

First, a little music: Dillinger Escape Plan - "Panasonic Youth"

And some lyrics to accompany it:

"We wrote these plans, took the order the architecture and followed them to the end until the gears ground cold and relentless!
There was no remorse!
We had none. We kept on with no trace of a regret!
There was no remorse!"

These lyrics express how I think the Libertarian Party began its downfall which resulted in its changing hands a few times. We kept prodding on relentless in our quest for failure, it would seem. Our old Constitutional Architecture was not libertarianism at all but we followed it blindly, even after Claire Littleton won the Libertarian Party Presidency by exposing that. (Good job Claire, good times.)

What has this to do with the American Defense and Trade Party?

Some of you might know that many prominent members of the Libertarian Party left for other parties or quit the game (myself among them) back in May. This was, of course, long after even more prominent members (such as Publius, Emerick, and Headmistress Talia) had left the party. The Libertarian Party, after getting flack for its non-libertarian organizational structure made a last-ditch effort to change its name from Libertarian Party to L.I.B.S. (and though I was around for that, I completely forgot what, if anything, that stood for). This party would go through a few changes like this: L.I.B.S. became TAMA. And TAMA became ADTP. ADTP would see three parties merge together but nothing seems to work for this accursed party.

I still believe we did better under the name Libertarian Party, however, and that is why I'll be returning us to that former glory. Things will, I hope, be different for us this time around since so many changes have been implemented in the time the party has been gone. Our party numbers in the first half of 2010, for example, were inflated by dead citizens. We might have seemed to be a big party but our player base was largely inactive.

Does this mean you'll be stealing the members of other parties?

Not at all. I've worked too hard and played too nicely with the other top 5 parties to ruin it all in an attempt to increase our numbers. We had big, albeit misleading, numbers before and we did nothing with it.

However, I do hope that a lot of former Libertarians, even those living abroad, will return to us. I won't be head-hunting or recruiting from amongst other Top 5 Parties. That being said, I welcome any who wish to join us and, should your current party's president scold you, let him or her know that you would like to help us grow and reestablish ourselves. You may even continue working for your existing party. I do not wish ours to be mutually exclusive.

I've always found it amusing that, one or two days a month, we act like one party when under the threat of PTO but bicker over who the greater party is for the other 28 days.

My Basic Platform:
* Change name from ADTP to Libertarian Party
* Establish a new IRC channel (#USLP) (currently owned by me and closed to the public)
* For now, we'll leave #ADTP and #uslibs2 under their current management with the former perhaps later become a division of the Libertarian Party and the latter remaining, well, whatever the hell it has been these past months.
* Clear Users from our old forum ( so that we can begin anew (or possibly establish one hosted by -- I don't know how the latter works.)
* Rewrite our Party Constitution to one that is more in line with libertarianism
* Work with other parties rather than compete with them. (During my first administration, I'd like to take on more of a supporting role. In other words, we won't be looking to fill many Congressional seats with our members.)
* Update the horrendously outdated Libertarian Party Wiki Article.

Some quotes and Endorsements:

"I dropped my candidacy against Josh Whitehead for this dude? Yeah, vote for him. Long live the Libs! -HobbitTon

"Iasov is an experienced player and a long-time mover and shaker in party politics. Well-connected and well-known in many channels throughout the New World, he has what it takes to get things organized. I endorse this candidate whole-heartedly." -Myles Robinson

"You are the only non-fgt who is bent on running the ADTP." -Syrup

"iasov is God" -Fionia

Final Notes

This party is still the ADTP. This article is about me being elected to the ADTP but I talk a lot about how it will be the Libertarian Party. Should my opponent win, I'll consider this the end of the Libertarian Party and leave it at that.

My running mate is Deleruin. Good fellow, that Deleruin.

HobbitTon has agreed to withdraw his candidacy for ADTP President. In return, I'll send him the two gold he had to pay to submit candidacy and be sure he is given priority for appointment in the new administration (probably the least libertarian thing I'll have to do).

I've spoken with some TC officials and informed them that we will not be creating a party militia, at least not during my first term. As a result, we'll be recommending to any new players that join us to sign up with TC!


Thank you for your time spent reading this and for your vote on the 15th.

Vote Iasov/Deleruin for ADTP President!