Vote for change tomorrow

Day 998, 06:19 Published in Netherlands Germany by KingRobertBaratheon

Dear citizens of eUNL;

I kindly ask you to think about your vote tomorrow. Well, there are party elections. And in fact I want to persuade, you to vote for change tomorrow.

Therefore I am about to tell you something about the "new party-presidents" in our TOP 5 parties.

Iron and Wine

There is only one loyal candidate called Heikanu. So there won´t be an exciting election and your vote might not lead to change. Why not change your party for a day and vote in a real election?

Green Liberal Democrats

There is only one loyal candidate called Trinc. So there won´t be an exciting election and your vote might not lead to change. Why not change your party for a day and vote in a real election?

Independent Party [url] [/url]

There is only one loyal candidate called Daniel Parker. So there won´t be an exciting election and your vote might not lead to change. Why not change your party for a day and vote in a real election?

Libertarian Social Democrats

This election seems to be more exciting, as the LSD seems to be threatened by a PTO. Hans Rienveld, the former PP of the center-left party, and Auggustus, the former PP of a far-right party are fighting against each-other. Here you can decide: Do you want change in the LSD or not? I might vote for Auggustus

Communist Party NL

I also "commit" a PTO against the eDutch communist party. Of course the Communists are not happy about this. However, I consider the Internationale (the CPNL ist part of the Internationale) to be a thread for the well-being of Phoenix. Why?

In my former homeland, eGermany, there is also a communist party, called KPeD, who is also a member of the Internationale. As a result many members of the KPeD don´t fight for the eGerman Bundeswehr or the FSK. They fight for the Red Brigates (the army of the Internationale).

And one day they fought for EDEN against eGermany. This happened in the resistance war of Scania, which was liberated by eSweden in the war against eGermany. Unfortunately the former eSweden president made the Internationale to fight for eSweden in this battle.

Furthermore I consider communist parties to be a danger for free markets and the whole freedom of a state.

Moreover many people abroad don´t like a country having a strong communist party. This means: less export, less import and less soldiers fighting for our country.

All in all my opinion is, that you should vote for KingRobertBaratheon tomorrow.

Vote for change!!!!
Vote for free markets and free trade!!!!
Vote against communism!!!
Vote for my new party called the Pornocrats (far-right, anarchistic)!!!
Vote for Phoenix!!!
Vote against EDEN and the Internationale!!!

Vote for a strong eUNL with 5 strong parties willing to fight for its country.

Thank you
