Vote Flatty for Congress in NSW!

Day 1,007, 18:43 Published in Australia Australia by AugustusX
Now I know you all are wondering who the heck is this dude? But before you do, listen to what I have to offer this great eNation.

I am new here and have heard the many stories of the eIndo's have done and I wish to do my part to take back our nation. I have many traits which I think will aid me to partake in Congress this term.

- I am active on the eAustralia Forums
- I am active on IRC and have spoken to many people before.
- I am an AAR Officer
- I have played many nation simulators and partaken in Politics in all of them.

These are just some qualities I have that will aid me to take part in congress and drive this nation to success. So why not let the new guy have a go? After all, we all need to start somewhere.

This is just a short article to introduce myself, I will be writing more for everyone to get to know me.

Until then, goodbye and God bless.

Remember, vote Flatty in NSW and give the new guy a chance.

AAR Officer