Vote Endors for congress in Ostlandet

Day 796, 02:34 Published in Norway Norway by Omega AS

Hello to all citizens of eNorway!

My name is Endors, I started to get involved with politics in this country when erepublik was beta. I have had a break for over a year and am now ready to help eNorway and all citizens to get a better and stronger country.

My main goals are as follows:

Stronger economy:
eNorway need to improve income and economical control to get a greater balance of taxes and wealth to citizens.

Hospitals to all regions:
I think it is very important to get hospitals to all regions to boost our defense in the case of war. This will make eNorway harder to hit and the citizens will get opportunity to fight more.

Increase population:
This country needs more citizens, therefore one of my goals will be to recruit and help new citizens.

Vote for Endors to improve eNorway for the better!