Vote Dubhthaigh For President On The 5th!

Day 1,017, 05:44 Published in Ireland Ireland by Dubhthaigh

Vote Dubhthaigh on the 5th!

Good afternoon, Citizens, I hereby announce my intention to run for President this month, under the banner of the Labour party.

I pledge to keep my end of the election clean, honourable and calm. This mentality will extent beyond election day, regardless of the outcome.
I extend best wishes of good luck to my opponents.

Please click the links below to view the detail of my manifesto. Href tags don't appear to be working, so make sure you click 'Open in a new tab'


Policy One: Less Taxes, More Jobs

Policy Two: Clever Money

Policy Three: Military Security

Policy Four: Strength From Unity

Policy Five: A Home For New And Part-Time Players


My Experience As President

My Experience As Minister of Finance

My Experience As Congressman

A more detailed account of my experience can be found on my wiki page, here

Thank you for reading. Regards, Dubhthaigh.