Vote Clan Wolf!

Day 1,768, 07:03 Published in Canada Canada by Catsoo

Since the new political module makes it so that you vote for a party, not a person, it seems I chose to do this. I have no idea why... Maybe 'cause Clan Wolf is totally awesome? Yuppers. Here's why...

1. We don't force people to vote for what other people want. We're not like the MDP. You want to vote Bob? Vote Bob. You want to vote Frederick? Vote Frederick. We would love it if you voted for Freddy, but you want to vote Bob. That's fine!

2. We are friendly! There is no 'You must adress someone with 'Sir' or 'Ma'am'.... There is just a 'Hey! Wassup?'.

3. We don't have BS. We have a good PP. We have good people. And we hand-pick our candidates. We don't like corrupt people.

4. We're not silly. We don't wally around. We don't do a Sperry either. So you can trust us to make the right decisions.

5. We discuss like friends, not like a bunch of rats squabbling over cheese.

So on the 25th, vote Clan Wolf. Because we're awesome.
