Vote Citizen HEM for AAP Party President!

Day 359, 16:47 Published in USA Canada by Citizen HEM

My fellow AAP Members, my friends and my partymen!

I stand before you tonight to ask you to allow me to serve another term as your Party President. I stand here with not only a long list of accomplishments, but a long list of things that are yet to be done! I salute Leo Ruby for standing up and fighting for what he believes in. He is a good man, and a loyal member of the AAP, but I feel I am much better equipped to help the AAP with my 30 days of expeirence behind me. I will now, without further ado go through my agenda and review the things that have already been accomplished.

This That Need to Be Done

1.) We need to get a Party Organization started for donating money, and other funds for the party. I originally tasked Director of Party Business, John Jay with this. However he grew inactive and this was never done. If I am re-elected I will gather donations for such an organization. By doing this we are opening the possibility of actually having a party owned business!

2.) We need to get more members on the forum! This is a great success we have also had this term, but it isn't enough! We can do so much more. I know this must tire you, but we need members on the forum. Next term I plan on starting a gift program to lend a gift to any member who joins the forum.

3.) We need to get recruitment better organized! We have grown this past month, but not enough! I also plan to organize small wages for those who recruit (granted we can get the money) or at least some gifts.

4.) New forum events. If I am re-elected we will have a party of sorts on our forum, possibly with monetary prizes. Again, that depends on if we can get the funding.

5.) We need a more active leadership. This means that elections in my next term will probably be on the forum. I HATE dis-including non-forum members, but if we are coordinating our party there, do we really have a choice?

What we have accomplished

1.) We repaired the party from the fiascoes of Evan Bayh. No easy feat, kudos go to everyone who was ready and willing to help when I asked you all for it!

2.) We have transformed into a more democratic party. We now have elections for party positions, and votes on any major choices. It was this party that decided to nominate Uncle Sam for Country Presidency, and then later nominate Benn Dover. We made that choice, not just me!

3.) We have gotten more active as a party. We correspond alot more, the forum is more active then it used to be, even if it isn't active enough

4.) We have made our mark on V1, we managed to keep as many Congressional seats as we had before, and we showed the world that we have punches yet to give. I am hoping that this next election we can field a Presidential canidate and make an even further dent onto the top parties of this new world, and perhaps find ourselves sitting among them.

5.) I also feel we have set a tradition of leadership that is responsible to the party members. I feel I have served this term with an attentiveness to the people that Evan Bayh never had, and it is for that reason I ask for your re-election.

I realize that my accomplishments this term are not enough, nor should they be to ask for re-election. Instead I hope you read my plans and then decide who is the best for the job. I feel I have made a complete manifesto today, and ask for your support.

I also add the side note, that if I am re-elected, this will be my last term. I preached quite a bit about believing no man should be in power for too long, and I solidly beleive that. However I hope to return once more.

Because as it is said, I still have promises to keep and miles to walk before I sleep.

Thank you,
-Citizen HEM