Vote Carlos Bianchi against Kasedy - Vote against the PTO in eNK ...:::

Day 807, 20:37 Published in North Korea Romania by Carlos Bianchi

My fellow North Koreans,

I created the North Korean Restoration Party for rebuild the eNorth Korea country against the PTO controlled by russians, with kasedy as the main leader.

I am Carlos Bianchi, congressman and Platoon Commander of Platoon from the North Korean People's Army.

George Walton is my vice-president and we have the support by anothers who agree with our political platform too.

Join in North Korean Restoration Party if you want to reconquest the eNorth Korea and vote for me as your country president next day 5 if you want a powerfull country again, without PTO.

For save the eNorth Korea. Vote Carlos Bianchi (Celio Azevedo) !

My Presidential and Party Platform:

- Reconquest all the regions;

- Encourage the distribution of houses Q1 for beginners;

- More state Q1 companies;

- More Q5 hospitals in North Korea;

- The North Korea IRC Channel and foruns;

- Build eR schools;

- BabyBoom in eNorth Korea;

- Expand the eSocialism to all the eWorld;

- Against the PTO;

- Build a powerfull North Korean Army;

Thanks for all again and have a nice day.

Carlos Bianchi.

Running for country presidency of eNorth Korea