Vote Andrew Campbell for Congress in London!

Day 518, 21:21 Published in United Kingdom Spain by Andrew Campbell

Hello, dear citizens of the UK,
The congressional elections will take place in three days. Only three more days.
I may be pretty new here - about four months old - but this is the whole point. A newcomer's viewpoint, which is a whole different than the others' viewpoint.
But even in this short period of time, I have gained very important experiences talking to many eCitizens, and I have immigrated from eCanada, so I know what are the others' opinions about various subjects.

In addition to that, I have more than a few ideas - which, of course, you will hear about only after the elections - that will improve our economic status and much beyond that.
I have high abilities of making good decisions and coming up with new ideas, and I would like to share them with you, eUK citizens.
Trust me, excellence will be added to eUK.

So, on election day, get out there and vote for Andrew Campbell!