Vote AIP in the Senate Elections

Day 490, 02:13 Published in Australia Australia by Australian Independents Party

Greetings Fellow Australians,

We, the Members of the AIP, remind you that the election of your Senators will be occurring again soon.

The AIP has Candidates for this Senatorial Election. The Candidates for the March/April Senate elections are:


Vincent Grey

Xavier Griffith

We would like to remind voters that the Australian Independents Party represents Independent Members whose political views and beliefs are not generally represented by any of the other Political Parties.

With this in mind the AIP generally accepts the following Policies:


1. The AIP is a center party predominantly, however is open to minority groups and allows these minority groups to work together with the other party members to bring about their goals, provided they don't contradict other basic policies of the party.

2. Membership in the AIP is open to those that do not see themselves fitting specifically into one of the current major political parties of the ADSP, ANP or ACP.

3. The AIP sees its self as the party that keeps the others honest and stops governmental policies swinging too far to either side of the political scale.

4. AIP Members are free to cross the floor in the Senate in relation to votes without the AIP as a Party being offended. The Party does not force its members to hold permanently and strictly to its policies.

Civil and Governmental

1. The AIP supports the privatization of companies, and the right of Corporations to operate their businesses with minimal government interference and regulation.

2. The AIP supports governmental policies that aid individuals and where warranted, industries through social programs.

3. The AIP supports political discussion and debate, but reserves the right of members to vote on issues in the Senate on what they believe is in the best interests for ALL, not just the eCitizens and not just the Corporations, and certainly not just in the political interests of the Government.


1. The AIP supports a strong, well organised Defence Force, as well as an elite force.

2. The AIP supports strong and friendly relations with our Indonesian neighbours while not allowing them to abuse our friendship.

3. The AIP supports peaceful resolution of political difference with all nations over immediate Military Action.

The AIP's Motto is: Keep The Bastards Honest. That being generally what the AIP and its Members do in the Senate.

So, if you want to ensure that the Government is kept honest, then vote AIP.