Volume I. Issue I. An Evening in the Death Star

Day 2,129, 12:28 Published in Canada Spain by TheZeroTheory

Dear eCanada,
Good evening, you may call me Zero. I am the Lead Writer & Editor of the of the IPC Press, this being the inaugural edition. There is something specific I am trying to accomplish with this ambitious paper: combining brief news reports alongside features, editorials, and columnists. The facts with opinions. Convergence. All of your IPC and (hopefully) eCan news in one convenient location. I hope you enjoy this issue and sincerely hope to build trust with you, the readers, as I am nothing without you. Thank you, and goodnight and goodluck. o7


For you listening pleasure whilst reading:
The Official Song

Looking for writers to help with the IPC Press! Send me a message or comment on the paper.

Inside this Issue
Exclusive interviews with our new IPC cabinet!
Joseph Quimby - Party President
Punisher 1389 - Vice President
Lordjas - Secretary General

Q&A with PP Joseph Quimby

Zero: You’ve been Party President (PP) for 5 different parties. Would you please tell us where you’ve been? Maybe a bit more of your experiences.
Joseph Quimby: I have been Party President mainly in the United Kingdom with the UKPP a former number one party of the United Kingdom, I have dipped my hands into founding smaller parties and building them up into top 5 parties.

Zero: What’s been a highlight of your political career thus far?
JQ: It was really fun running an Alliance of countries (even though it was small) but my political highlight is my months in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and to all the great people I met, fought with and even argued with I had a blast in all 5 of my terms.

Zero: You mentioned increased communication with other party presidents in your first update. Most parties, if not all, want a united eCan after our NAP with eSpain. In this writer’s opinion, we need differences (real and substantial) between parties, for identity and fun if nothing else. What’s your take on the ‘party differences/eCan unity spectrum’?
JQ: This is a very good question, we need to be united as a country, but we don't need to be united in everything. I want parties to work together and to be the best and most enjoyable atmosphere they can create. The idea behind working with other Party Presidents is to be able to achieve the things that we agree on. I agree that if all parties were the same things would be boring and we are different from other parties and we will keep our own identity. After leaving Asgard there are now massively different ideas which is great as it makes the game more exciting, but I’m sure we can all find things to agree on and work together on.

Zero: Our Country President (CP) and Congress have voted to be a trial member of Circle of Trust (CoT), after eCan left the alliance ‘Asgard’. This has caused a stir-up with eCanadians wanting to remain ‘solo’ or “make DMV3 keep his campaign promise.” What are your thoughts on this? Disagree/agree/somewhere in between with the President’s foreign policy?
JQ: Well I am one of the people against this proposal for several reasons.
1. He said he would keep out of an alliance and people voted for him and that and he has ignored it.
2. People weren’t given a vote or even warning as it was done purely by the CP without consent. Such a massive issue deserved and needed a referendum or opinion poll.
3. I do think we are trying to please America and become the next state instead of trying to grow Canada as an independent nation, rushing into alliances to please America isn’t doing us any good.

Zero: What should we look for in an alliance, when choosing one?
JQ: 1. It needs to be strong. What is the point joining an alliance that has no firepower and cannot help us in our current situation?
2. Willing to help Alliances need to fight for us some alliances are made but always fight for themselves over allies, this is blatantly wrong.
3. Good structure. Alliances need to be able to send damage to vital places and know when it is pointless hitting. Many alliance battles end up in millions of wasted damage.
4. Alliances need to have clear goals and clear communication with us. If you join an alliance you must be ready to commit to it and get involved speaking and conversing with other ally countries.

Zero: Let’s talk about the IPC funding project. It targets new players correct? Why should older, wealthier members of the IPC and eCan (should they join) donate if they don’t see any benefit? Or is it more of an emergency fund?
JQ: The funding project is one of those ideas that either works, or doesn’t. I am hoping for donations from both wealthier and poorer players. To fund the scheme just send me cash gold or any items and I will document them and report back in my next article. Why not donate one day's income a week for the party, or some gold from a medal?

The Scheme will be funded by 100% of my earnings for about a week and then put to use, if someone needs help with some money regardless if their poor or wealthy looking to invest in more companies the Party fund will help to cover costs. It is just a good way to get some of the richer members of the party putting some money away for others and themselves. It is a bit like a pension fund in that respect. More on this next Party President update.

Zero: Stepping into RL, who is your current favorite musical artist? Movie?
JQ: I like the Kinks, the Beatles, Led Zepplin, the Who, Green Day, Guns and Roses, etc. Film wise I like Good Will Hunting, Forrest Gump, Shawshank Redemption, STAR WARS, V for Vendetta and Batman: The Dark Knight.

Zero: Any closing remarks you’d like to say?
JQ: I would just like to thank the party for it’s support and here’s to a good term.

Q&A with VP Punisher 1389

Zero: You ran for CP last month and were defeated, casting support behind DMV3. You have name recognition and a solid track record, why not run for PP? JQ must be a likable guy, eh?
Punisher: I ran for CP few times, and the last one was the most serious of them all. I had good ideas about improving our community and getting our country back on track, also with that an awesome cabinet. I didn't have any luck in winning the primaries, so I think that was the crucial factor of my defeat.

Zero: In the public sphere, you seem to stay quiet whenever there’s a ruckus around. Being VP must be a match made in heaven, right? Working behind-the-scenes with JQ, trying to stay out of the media, and supervising construction on our new Death Star and all that.
Pun: In general, I don't like to express my opinion in public too much. I tend to stay quiet, assess and observe the situation, and when I feel the need to say something I say it. I didn't want to run for PP due to RL, since i won't be able to be active in the upcoming month, as I'm active now. I don't know much about JQ, but he took a good initiative, he has solid plans, and he has our trust. JQ, don't let us down. I'll do my best as VP, to help, give advice, supervise the construction of our Death Star, and do everything to regain our glory.

Zero: What’s been your political and eHistory so far? Who’s the dual-wielding man behind the skull shirt?
Pun: As for my eHistory, I joined my first political party approximately 1080 days ago (damn, I'm old lol). My first party was EPIC and I had great time there -- it was really epic. I was a newb, so they helped me a lot, and introduced me the political side of the game. After EPIC, I was a member of Canadian Paradox Party. I've served 14 months in eCanadian congress, and after a short stay in eUSA, I served 3 months in their congress under the United States Workers Party (USWP) banner. I was an ambassador and a member of few presidential cabinets.

As for Military units, well I had a pretty good military career in CAF (4th Coda's Black Knights CO, Rangers Platoon One CO, 1st "Eagle-Eye" Platoon's XO). Now I'm a retired CAF Military Officer, Lieutenant. I used to be a member of the Shadow Fox, the Holy Order. I was a Canadian Strategic Defense 2nd Commander, and Ultramarines (USA) Captain.

Zero: What are you most looking forward to this term?
Pun: Hmm. Building our Death Star and destroying our enemies perhaps 😛

Zero: Stepping into RL, who is your current favorite musical artist? Movie?
Pun: Current favorite musical artist, that's a good question. I'm a big Foo Fighters fan and I think Dave Grohl is a living legend. Movies? I like comedies a lot, so the last one I watched was We're the Millers; it's a good movie.

Zero: Any final words?

Q&A with SG Lordjas

Zero: Recruitment looks like priority number one for this term. As Secretary General (SG) leading recruitment, can you tell us about any plans coming to fruition soon? And does it include any Imperial ladies or lasers?
Lordjas: I feel that a lot of people want to have fun with this game, creating another persona is a great way! Especially in a galaxy far far away 😉 We are here to help people and answer questions about this strange game. I feel if we show that we don’t care about trolling or insulting other parties and just have fun with the Star Wars universe, it will bring people in and more involved in the running of our eCountry. And yes, it always involves Imperial ladies or lasers! lol

Imperial lady in action

Zero: For those who are unfamiliar, how long have you been with the Party?
Lord: I have been with the party for 5-6 months, when I first decided to be more active in politics and since I LOVE Star Wars thought it would be the perfect fit.

Zero: What’s a typical day for SG? Is much buffoonery afoot?
Lord: I try to read and respond to every article on a daily basis, and yes, buffoonery is essential to not getting bored!

Zero: Stepping into RL, who is your current favorite musical artist? Movie?
Lord: Red Hot Chili Peppers, 2pac, and love trance and house music as well. And of course the Imperial March!! 😉 I love all movies. I i've watched a ton and very hard to pick favourites, but top 5 of the top of my head would be Oldboy,Star Wars(all of them), V for Vendetta, Layer Cake, I, Robot because of Isaac Asimov's 3 laws

Zero: Anything else you’d like to say?
Lord: May the force be with you! o7

Thanks everyone for stopping by! Here's our new prototype of the Death Star. Behold!!!