Volite sve oko sebe!!!

Day 2,167, 14:19 Published in Serbia Serbia by Panda monium

Nekada ti se u zivotu otvore svi putevi...Sve ide,vrlo cesto uz veliki napor,i mislis da si uspeo!!Konacno nije ravna crta vec desava se nesto!!Zivot ima neki smisao i imamo volju za zivotom...Jedino sto nam se tada mota po glavi jeste sta bi to moglo novo da se istrazi,upozna,sazna...Sta to jos uvek nismo postigli i sta to nemamo a vrlo neophodno nam je...

Svi zaboravimo onu tamu koja je verujem svakome od nas nekada bila osnova zivota...Zaboravimo da postoji vreme kada covek prosto ne zeli da zivi,nema nicega lepog sto bi mu ulivalo energiju da gura napred...Zaboravimo mirno more koje je zaboravilo s vremena na vreme neku obalu da zapljusne!!A ono uvek vreba tu negde oko nas!!Dovoljna je samo jedna greska,koja cak ne mora ni sasa da bude da sve lepo u treptaju nestane i javi se ono sto nikako ne zelimo...

Onaju ko uziva u svim lepotama bez i malo straha da one mogu nestati i nosi se ambicijom da sve moze i da treba sve sebi da prigrabi na najboljem je putu da napravi gresku koja ce ga gurnuti u neki ambis iz koga da bi pobegao treba toliko mnogo ne samo volje,snage i energije vec i srece...A sve to skockati je gotovo nemoguca misija!!

Treba biti skroman...Kada najvise imas treba najvise da stedis!!Sta mozes da ustedis kada nemas??Nemas od cega...Kada najvise vremena imas najvise ga i koristi da unapredis sebe,da naucis sve sto moze da ti koristi u zivotu...

Veruj mi mnogo vise e ti u zivotu znaciti da naucis da kuvas nego li da naucis po neku stvar iz astrofizike,ako se to tako u opste zove...Nece te tvoje poznavanje te nauke,ma cime se ona bavila, nahraniti!!Postoje ljudi koji su se za to skolovali i kojima je to posao i prepusti ti to njima!!A osim toga tesko da ces u nekom drustvu u kom se nadjes biti zanimljiviji sa poznavanjem toga nego li ako budes umeo da spremis neku klopu koju cete svi zajedno sa uzivanjem da klopate!!

Da me neko ne shvati pogresno ovo je samo banalni primer, ni sam ne znam(sto svakako nije iznenadjenje) zato mi je astrofizika pala na pamet!!Ljudi gube vreme,svakako to i ja radim igranjem igrica i sve ovo nije samo vama vec na prvom mestu meni upuceno,na stvari od kojih nece nikakve vajde videte...Ovde sam makar sreo dosta sjajnih ljudi koji su mi postali dragi i volim s vremena na vreme s njima koju rec da proglavim i malo pravim budalu od sebe ne bi li nekoga nasmejao...Svakako to ne menja cinjenicu da je gubljenje vremena ali...Neko parce moze i za zanimaciju da se potrosi!!Valjda nije prevelik greh!!

Cesto razmisljam sta je potrebno coveku da uvek moze koliko toliko pozitivno da razmislja i postoji li nesto iz cega ce on uvek moci makar jedan atom snage da izvuce...Ljubav je jedini element koji uvek moze da da koliko toliko energije i pregura prepreku...Po nekada je dovoljno da volite samo jedno drvo u parku!!Samo pogled na to vase drvo ce vam vratiti osmeh na lice!!Ali morate iskreno da ga volite!!Ono ce vam zraciti nekom pozitivnoscu koja vrlo verovatno i ne postoji ali pokrenuce vasu autosugestiju i bice vam lepse...

Ljudi koji se zarobe u svojim ambicijama zaborave da vole...A to je vec drugi korak ka ambisu...I realno kada se pogleda tesko da ce taj ambis izbeci...

Dakle Medvedici moji Mali i Sareni iskljucite malo ambicije a ukljucite emocije...Bolje da vas srce,i koliko je moguce razum(ima nas koji toga i nemamo) vode a ne ambicija...Nekako me previse ta rec ambicija na ambis asocira...

VOLITE SVE OKO SEBE!!!!Jer ako vi volite druge postoji i sansa da neko zavoli vas!!!

Love everyone around you!!!

Sometimes in life all paths open up for you… Everything is well, most often with great effort, and you think you’ve done it!! Finally it isn’t a flat line, something is going on!! Life has a meaning and we have will to live… The only thing that’s going around our head is what new could be explored, met, found out… What else we didn’t achieve and what we don’t have, but is necessary…

We all forget that darkness which, I believe, was everyone basis of life… We forget there’s a time when a man simply doesn’t wanna live, when there’s nothing beautiful which would energize him to push forward… We forget a still sea which forgot from time to time to splash ashore!! And it’s always lurking somewhere around us!! One mistake is enough, which doesn’t even have to be an anemone for all beautiful to disappear in a blink of an eye and to surface that which we do not want…

One which enjoys in all beauties without any fear that they may disappear and is lead with the ambition that he can he needs to grasp all is on the best road to make a mistake which will push him into some kind of an abyss from which in order to escape you need a lot of not only will, strength, and energy but also luck… And all those puzzles put together is almost an impossible mission!!

You should be modest… When you have the most you should save!! What can you save when you don’t have it?? Saving something which you do not have… When you have plenty of time the most you can to improve yourself, to learn all which can be useful in life…

Believe me it is more significant to learn how to cook than to learn a thing or two in astrophysics, if that’s what it’s called… Your knowing of science, no matter what field, won’t feed you!! There are people that went to school for it and whose job it is, leave it to them!! Beside, you will hardly be more interesting to your friends knowing that stuff, than rather cooking up a nice grub for you and your friends to enjoy eating together!!

Do not get me wrong this is just a banal example, I don’t even know why (which isn’t a surprise) astrophysics came to mind!! People are wasting their time, of course I am too by playing games and all of this isn’t mented just to you, but primarily to me, on things which have no use… At least here I’ve met a lot of great people which become dear to me, and I like from time to time to speak a word or two with them, and make myself a fool if that means I would make someone laugh… Surely that doesn’t change the fact that it’s a waste of time, but… Some shred can be spent on entertainment!! Probably isn’t a big sin!!
I think often how much does a man need to think positively and is there someplace from which he can pull out a single atom of energy… Love is the only element which can always give more or less energy to get through an obstacle… Sometimes even it’s enough to love one tree in the park!! Just a look at that tree of yours will bring a smile back to your face!! But you have to love it truly!! It will radiate with some kind of positivism which most likely doesn’t even exist, but it will trigger your self-suggestion and you’ll feel better…

People that are trapped in their ambitions forget to love… And that’s the second step to the abyss… And realistically it will be difficult to avoid that abyss…

So my Little and Colorful Bears turn your ambitions off for a while, and turn on your emotions… It’s better to be led by your heart, and possibly your reason (some of us don’t have it) than ambition… Somehow the word ambition reminds me of abyss…

LOVE EVERYONE AROUND YOU!!!! Because if you love someone there is a chance that someone will fall in love with you!!!

Prevod na engleski Darko Dulic!!Hvala Darko za prevod!!