vol 1, issue 1: Spem Reduxit

Day 568, 05:42 Published in Canada Canada by Rigour6

This new paper now enters out into the eworld, a world which has many papers. Each of those has an agenda. Ours will be stated forthrightly. We will not suppose that our inaugural issue will even begin to detail it, in part because one of our stated aims will be brevity.

Spem Reduxit will be a newspaper dedicated above all to the building of a new and successful New Brunswick.

We recognize what erepublik is, and that the apparent logic of a world such as this dictates certain realities. Spem Reduxit is uninterested in those erealities. It places pride in the real province of New Brunswick above such concerns. It will seek to alter the situation of New Brunswick, regardless of what elogic might suggest, to make it a place in which New Brunswickers may hold rightful pride.

Today, our beloved province has a Q1 hospital. This situation, more than any other, sends a message to all would be citizens that this is not a place to live. Two days ago the population of NB was 77: today it is 69. It is clear what is happening. NBers are coming here because it is home, then leaving to find better opportunities elsewhere.

We bear those who seek a better life for themselves no ill, and we salute their courage and willingess to make choices which are right for them. Spem Reduxit bears them no ill will, but seeks instead to build a NB which gives them an opportunity here, an NB which does not lose its new ecitizens, and one which eventually can successfully call its old ecitizens back. This is our relentless ambition.