Virginia Congressional Report Term 2 Report 1

Day 402, 08:31 Published in USA USA by Joshua Tree

To all of the Virginia Voters who have entrusted me with a second term in office: Thank you for your vote of confidence. I will continue to be as passionate and outspoken as ever, and pursue a fair and balanced government for all.

To the two opposing candidates: Best of luck next term. Dubi thanks for retracting your statements in a timely manner, it shows class.

To every one in general, please check in from time to time, or subscribe, in order to start receiving regular updates of how I am voting in Congress.

Today there were three proposals up for consideration. What they were and how I voted are as follows:

1- Mutual Protection Pact with Romania: Voted YES. Romania is among our list of allies, and at this time could use some protection. It seems unlikely we will be drawn into a major war, however if this were to happen the MPP will enable us to give assistance without having to leave the country. There are also a host of other benefits that come with MPPs. Further info can be found in the wiki section of erep.

**EDIT** shortly after voting, it became evident that romania is about to declare war on russia. This may well be a major misstep on my part as well as the rest of congress. lets hope it ends well.

2- Buy Constructions Proposal (proposed by Benn Dover): Voted YES. At first glance I nearly shit my pants since the proposal was to purchase a Q1 Defense System for 99,999USD, an outrageous sum of money. However, the purchase price is actually 3,000USD a very appropriate price. For more details visit the forum discussion

3- President Impeachment (proposed by Kyle321) This was a fantastically orchestrated rickroll by Kyle, and not a serious proposal (although there are, at the time of this writing, 3 votes for yes lol).
Kyle was not reelected this term unfortunately and this was his way of saying goodbye. Hope to see him back in congress in a month. He's a great congressman.

On a side note, if this had been a serious proposal I would still have voted no. It is no secret that Benn is not passionate about me, nor am I his biggest fan. But I don't think he deserves impeachment by any means, he has done a decent job in many areas imo.

Happy Holidays to everyone. I am still in Germany IRL for the holidays so I am not always able to get on right away but so far I don't think I've missed a vote yet.

Also, for those of you who don't know I am scheduled to go to trial on a civil action brought by Franco and his litigation team. I will try to find time to publish an article or two to keep you all abreast of the proceedings. The honorable judge Scrabman is presiding, and as such I feel comfortable that the trial will be a fair and equitable procedure. Feel free to offer services as witnesses in your comments below.

