Viking Empire and the power of Lagom!

Day 1,715, 04:21 Published in Sweden Sweden by Mr Stevens

I wish to second Jegermaisters article about a Nordic Alliance. This is because I think it would be a good idea if newspapers were used to communicate and debate more. For now, I don't use the forum much, because, frankly the game isn't interesting enough for me to want to talk about a lot of stuff there.

But, if we had a Nordic Alliance (Viking Empire ftw!) there would be something interesting to do. I mean, there would be a reason to talk to people other than trying to get people in Sweden to trust you enough so that you might one day get the chance to suck up to the polish president on the IRC.

Forgive my candor. But you know what I mean. There isn't a lot to do around here; we are tiny, and the wars are boring and for no purpose (I mean, I don't even get very riled up over trying to get Bohus back again nowadays). The economic module doesn't work, and... well, you know.

Working to assert Nordic supremacy might be fun. And it needn't be only in terms of fighting strength either. Nordics have a fine reputation IRL around Europe of being annoying besserwissers who always has to do everything oh so correctly. And we generally exert our influence by using protocol and bureaucracy (and generally just doing things the way things should properly be done, and informing others of the fact). Who knows, maybe we could lay the eWorld by our feet by sheer force of f---ing organizing things in a proper and reasonable way!

Maybe not. But it would be fun anyway.

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