VIII: Virgin for Virginia

Day 1,037, 08:08 Published in USA USA by Little Old Halfling

So I was putzing around the UIP Executive Office the other day, when I had a thought.

I mean, why not?

I've been a hard working, faithful Emerickan my whole eLife. I've not only served in two different militias, I essentially ran one of them when our leaders were not there. And SEAL Team 6 has been great for me as well. My time in the UIP has been productive, as I've helped establish new amendments for the constitution as well as be a part of the first UIP Legislature. And now I'm Vice Party President!

And then there was that time in SEES, with Candor and St Krems and back when Emerick was still "alive." Those were good times.

In my relatively short time here in this game I've done quite a bit. And now that I feel that I've established myself in more private sectors, I think it's high time to figure out the best way to help my beloved country.

And what better way to help than run for Congress?

And what better state for a virgin congressman than Virginia? It's too good to pass up!

Congress has a lot of opportunities I think I can use to help make this country (or at the very least Virginia). One of the most significant issues we are facing right now is a revamping of the economy. With our time management gone, we are back to V1 standards, which means we essentially have to get our economic standards back to where they were in V1. Sure, there are differences, and I'll be the first to admit that I don't necessarily know what they are. This whole thing is a work in progress. I'll be completely up front that I'm not the best economist this nation has, but that's not why I'm running.

I'm running to help.

Talk to anyone I know and I'm sure they can tell you that I'm not only receptive to change, but I'm flexible in my own thinking as well. As part of the UIP Legislature I've had to draft changes to our Constitution, submit proper formatting for budget changes, and work with multiple departments to work out just how our party will function not only on a monetary level, but also on a political and social level.

The social level is where I think I shine best. Anyone who plays the game this long will tell you that it's not the game that keeps them coming back or the possibility of gold, it's the community. After all.

It's the community that got me involved in Eagles Militia, in SEES, in UIP, in SEAL Team 6, and wanting to get involved in Congress. As part of that community, I'll be using my Newspaper to bring you weekly updates on my progress in Congress, as well as use it as a suggestion board for people to bring their concerns to me so that I may propose them.

Because that's ultimately what this is about. Me helping you. Not everyone can be in Congress, which is why it is important to pick people to put in there that will get you what you want.

I'm open to suggestions, and even have a few of them myself for combating the boredom and inactivity that can sometimes drive players down. I have enough capital and enough of a name to actually start getting people involved, and part of that involvement will include contests. What these contests are? You'll just have to elect me to find out! 😉

If you have any questions about me or my work, feel free to ask. I'm excited to try my hand at this level of the game, and to not only get myself more involved with the government and the game, but also get you, the fair citizens of Virginia, involved as well.

If that was tl;dr, I think this little message to the voting population of Virginia will suffice.

Hello Virginia, I'm here to say:

Stay frosty, Virginia.