Vigilante Killer Keeping the Streets of Newark Safe at Night

Day 593, 11:53 Published in USA USA by Vincent Truglia

By Vincent Truglia Dissociated Press Staff Writer

Another criminal found dead in abandoned warehouse.

Another dead body was found in Newark New Jersey today. Bringing the total up to 7 dead bodies found in the past month. Each body has been in found in different abandoned warehouses in Newark. They have all been identified and each victim was male, had a criminal record of rape or murder, and each was suspected of another felony but never charged.

Other then the victims past’s the police have said there are no other similarities. No ritualized kills that is found in most serial killers victims. Each body was killed in a different manner. Police are not releasing causes of death. They have just said they are all different.

The name of the most recent man was Samuel Hammond a 39 year old grocery store clerk who did 15 years in a state penitentiary for the murder of 27 year old Christine Ashmund. Hammond was paroled 2 years ago. He was also questioned in the slaying of Charlene Busco a 36 year old flight attendant who was found dead outside of Terminal C of the Newark International Airport. He was questioned but never charged.

Newark has been in the midst of a crime spree. Robberies and muggings are becoming a common thing on the streets. The Star Ledger; Newarks’ Local Newspaper has been reporting 6 or 7 felonious crimes a day, from armed robbery to home invasion to murder. The police have thus far been incapable to stop or even slow the attacks. One local headline suggested there has been a hex put on the city.

Police have no serious leads as to who the killer may be. They believe it is someone involved with law enforcement, directly or just employed by a law enforcement agency. The killer is seems to be extremely meticulous. No fingerprints or DNA have been found at the crime scenes.
The killer is being Dubbed Newarks Night Watchman by local tabloids.

While the police scramble to find the killer and bring him to justice the citizens of Newark have a different opinion on the Killer.

“This guy is taking care of the people the police cant get.” Said one man

“I think they should give the guy a badge and a gun and just make it all legal” Said another man.