Victory Party and a Bit About the eRep Forums

Day 2,573, 07:42 Published in USA USA by PilotPhil

Well now I am in it deep. A couple weeks ago Deepchill asked me to be part of his media team and I said yes. Now what? I have never been on the winning side of one of these things and I am not really sure what to do now. Looks like this might be a busy month for me. Luckily I am working for an amazing POTUS and a great boss in Gnilraps so I suppose I will muddle through. Onward then…

First I want to congratulate Deepchill on the win. I also want to congratulate everyone for making it a fun and clean election. No mud slinging, not much bitching and really a close vote. Of course Rainy would have made a fantastic President as well and one of these days she will. Everyone loves her including me but this was DC’s time. He had a plan in place way before the election and the electorate saw that. As a last minute candidate Rainy started out behind and just didn’t have time to catch up. A vote for Deepchill this month wasn’t a vote against her, it was a vote FOR Deepchill. There is a difference.

The victory party was great and a good time was had by all. It was good to see so many Rainy supporters there as well, it is amazing what kind of wounds free tequila

and Van Halen

can heal.

Gnilraps did get a little out of hand. At one point I am pretty sure he was busy attempting to make a slip-and-slide out of a DC4CP banner and Jello. I won’t post a pic of that here because somewhere in the process he lost his pants and this is a family friendly article. I did see Franklin Stone chatting up one of the bartenders

but you will have to ask him how that worked out. Even though the traitorous swine would have voted for Rainy had he not bailed out on us, Jude even hopped across the pond to make an appearance. I thought I could smell something other than patchouli coming from his table in the back but I can’t be sure.

In any case Deepchill is now the big boss and we all need to get behind him and move this country forward. Gnilraps has a good plan for media this month and it is going to be a lot of fun. One of the things he has planned is to get some other folks writing. We are going to come up with some topics that need exploring and we are counting on you, eUSA, to respond. The WHPR will present some ideas for articles and it will be up to you all to pick up the ball and run with it. Shoot, I have a bunch of tanks I can’t sell at a profit at the moment, I might even offer some prizes for good stuff.

Along these lines Gnilraps asked me to do a piece about the eRep forums. I rarely go there so I figured I would go take a look and see what I could find. Here we go…

First when you go there you see a section for new players. There is a place to introduce yourself, a section for tutorials, and another section for tutorials in other languages. As far as the introductory section goes it is mainly a very few folks saying hello and one fellow, tommot, welcoming them to the game. Nice of him for sure but not really an overwhelming bunch of hugs and cupcakes for the new folks. The tutorials section isn’t a ton better with a few outdated our unavailable links. Much better tutorials for new folks can be found here, (It is a nine part series, this is just a link to the first one. The others are on page eleven or so if you go to his newspaper) written by our very own Gnilraps. Written a while ago, some of these are a bit outdated too, but most of the stuff is really good and useful for new players. As a whole I give the New Players section two headless chickens on a 1-10 headless poultry scale.

On to the next section, Rules, Updates, Competitions and Help. Rules I will just say are standard, be polite etc. As for the Updates section there is some decent info here. Explanations of new stuff such as article endorsements and how the new housing works. Pretty good here although Petsku (a mod I think) recently announced that they will no longer be listing the rewards of the weekly challenge. From what I can tell after looking at the last few lists that were published, it was mostly people bitching about how crappy the rewards were anyway… I probably would have stopped listing them too if it were my decision. The Competitions section is weak at best. A writing contest from Plato to go along with the seven year anniversary section had some action but there are only three threads from this year and obviously not a very well used fourm. The Help section actually looks like a good place to go if you are in need of assistance. Lots of threads with helpful foks answering questions and such. Hooray! A bright spot! This section gets four headless chickens as it does have some useful parts.

The New World section has a bit of activity but not a ton… hmmmm, I am bored with this, and if you are still reading thank you. and you should probably find something better to do with your time…

I am going to sum this review up by saying simply that although I was trying hard to find good stuff on the eRep forums I really didn’t. Sure there is a bit of useful information there but for the most part it is pretty dead. If you have questions ask em there and they will get answered but for the size of this game and the number of people that play the eRep forums don’t do much for me.

Don’t get me wrong. There are lots of bright spots left in this game. This just isn’t one of them. Someone please convince me otherwise. Perhaps that is an article idea for someone… How about a 50 Q7W prize for a decent article about the eRep forums? PM me the link and I will decide if it is worthy. I won’t judge too harshly so get writing and win my tanks!

In other news Bear Cavalry is pleased to announce we now have a weekly supply program. It is 25 tanks per week and we are working on growing that.

The Socialist Freedom Party also has an ongoing supply program of 5 tanks per day and food as well if you are under level 25. We are one of the few political parties that has a supply program so if you want to get a little radical come join us!

I will leave you with a pic of delicious victory soup. Enjoy!