Victory in South Korea, Updates

Day 919, 18:29 Published in Austria Austria by Rangeley

Exactly three weeks after it began, the war in South Korea has ended, with South Korean forces successfully recapturing the last occupied region. This comes after the news that Jeju, a region occupied by Japan even before this war, had also been recaptured by South Korea after months of being held by Japan - meaning they end the war with more regions than they began.

Austrian forces fought proudly in these battles, side by side with our South Korean friends - we took a stand against aggression, and some of us have even come to know new people, half way across the world, dealing with similar troubles to those we face. These bonds, formed in times of strife, can hopefully continue as a healthy relationship in times of peace.

General Army Recruitment

While it was our mobile forces who were able to deploy into the battles in South Korea, our home forces are just as important, and in need of soldiers to fight. If you are bound to Austria through a political position, such as Party President, Congress member (or even President!) you obviously cannot deploy abroad, but can fight in battles Austria is directly involved in once we are able to purchase a new hospital.

If you would like to join our armed forces and be supplied for these battles, please sign up here. And of course, if you would like to be deployed abroad to fight in even more frequent battles, the sign up for the mobile forces can be found here.

Congress IRC

In order to give congress members an easy meeting place, a new IRC room has been created specifically for this purpose. Here, you can find a quick listing of laws, as well as other people to talk to about them in a live setting. You can find it by connecting to, and going to the #eAutCong channel.

On the Agenda

We are currently looking into finding a new hospital to place in the region of Vorarlberg. While we do this, you can be a step ahead of the curve by moving to Vorarlberg now. If you need a moving ticket to do so, please contact the Red Cross and one will be provided at not cost to you. In the meantime, the Ministry of Education is working to keep up the outreach effort to new citizens, and hopefully make this move much easier - and the Ministry of Labor is trying to maintain stability in the job market before all regions return to Austria.