Victory in Arizona! While Dark days lay ahead for America

Day 1,194, 17:16 Published in USA Canada by Emperor Rick

Yesterday I was reelected as Arizona's Senator (Arizona's first election since July, nearly 6months ago since the rental agreement with Poland.)

My top rival, from the South Carolina Ulku Ocaklari (INCi), may have lost in Arizona but has made significant gains across the country. iNCi (refugees from Turkey) were granted safety in the US months ago after Greece had conquered their homeland. They originally pledged to refrain from participating in US politics but soon requested to have at least two representatives... This request/demand increased to 10. Then when election day came by they ran 30+ candidates, and had 31 winning by mid day.

The United States Defense Party lead the ATO efforts, in return for our mobile votes we got the military and top five to cooperate in an ATO effort that reduced the number of seats held by INCi from 34 to 14. Unfortunately as a result I was the only USDP'er elected into Congress. (Most of the votes coming from the Fraternity)

Thank you Fraternity

I fear the damage has already been done, but we cannot roll over. I will be working with the USDP, Fraternity, and the rest of the bottom 6 parties to build a coalition and launch us all into the 5th spot. This won't be an easy task, I don't expect this set back to be fixed over night. The best thing YOU can do to help our country is participate in government, recruit your friends to play the game, and educate your fellow citizens.

INCi Held States

Most of the elected INCi are not members of the eUS Forums. As such they cannot productively participate in our governing process. Watch Congress closely, and be weary of outside influences that will take advantage of us while we're preoccupied with this unfortunate event.

We will survive