Victory for eCanada! -Aug 19th Day 2,829

Day 2,829, 16:21 Published in Canada Canada by Phyren

A Successful defence!

4 days ago, after entering into a string of alliances, eCanada passed a proposal declaring eUK to be its natural enemy. After eUK quickly followed suit, and proposed eCanada to be its natural enemy as well, eCanada unsuccessfully attacked eUK on its Scotland territory. A lull of 2 days ensued. With many speculating that eUK's retaliation would be impending, Military leaders readied themselves and their armies.

On (Day 2,82😎 Aug. 18 eUK invaded the eCanadian territory: Newfoundland and Labrador

eCanada: 94 points --- eUK: 40 points
Division One (lvl. 1-35)
eCanada: 8 points --- eUK: 4 points
Division Two (lvl. 36-49)
eCanada: 10 points --- eUK: 16 points
Division Three (lvl. 50-69)
eCanada: 21 points --- eUK: 15 points
Division Four (lvl. 70+)
eCanada: 55 points --- eUK: 5 points

A decisive defence for eCanada with a lot of points coming from our veteran fighters. The only division eUK lead in this battle was division two.

Emboldened it seems that eCanada is eager to press its advantage and has just delved into the eUK territory: Whales, at a time when eUK continues to suffer from a Slovenian invasion in its territories: South East of England and East Midlands.

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