Victory for eCanada and The United Empire Loyalists in Wales!

Day 1,578, 21:19 Published in Canada Canada by Wombatman25

Good evening eCanada,

I would like to congratulate eCanada and the United Empire Loyalists on our victory earlier tonight in Wales!

Thank you to all our friends and allies who have helped to defend eCanada in her time of need. We will not hesitate to return the favour when we have our house in order.

I wish to thank, on behalf of the nation, all those who fought for eCanada and proudly call themselves United Empire Loyalists

Good Game
I also wish to congratulate the EPC on their efforts today.
-Addy Lawrence, Ralph Kline, and hordes of Bulgarian mercenaries fought for what they thought was right. (or just for gold and free tanks in the Bulgarians' case)

In the end, their efforts were no match for our resolve, determination, and loyalty

Wales is ours for the moment. However, we must not let our guard down. Not even for a moment!

Loyal then, Loyal now, Toujours Fidele- The United Empire Loyalists of eCanada