Variety Post

Day 371, 09:37 Published in USA USA by Lowell Kennedy
A Few Various Announcements & Statements

Congressional Elections
Everyone, please vote if informed. The Yellow Party will take no official position on the candidates in the Congressional elections. Each member should vote based upon their preferences in their home state.

Benn Dover/Impeachment
Opposition can be healthy in democracy but in this case, a bunch of warmongers have attempted to slander the President, nothing more, nothing less. I think there are legitimate concerns and critiques of his presidency but nothing that warrants impeachment, or the discussion of it. In this case, the Yellow Party does not support the public airing of nonsensical complaints against Benn Dover.

New Newspaper Name
I wanted to do something a little more unique than just ‘Yellow Press.’ From here on out, I will try to title posts after songs. This newspaper will still serve the same purposes, just under a new name.

Update on Free House Drawing
The following are eligible for the free house thus far:
1) nomadbishop
2) Mercer
3) istarlan
4) David McCallum
5) darkedone02

To be eligible for the drawing, all you have to do is join and become a member of the Yellow Party and the party’s forums. The drawing will be near the end of this week.