Vanguard Position Paper

Day 575, 21:56 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Vanguard eUK
Vanguard Position Paper

Vanguard is a Centrist Party dedicated to fighting corruption, preserving the eUK’s sovereignty, and making sure the people’s voices are heard. We currently do not have enough active members to hold a meaningful constitutional convention, so until then we will be using this Position Paper as a working document. We allow all players to join, regardless of experience or political (left-right) orientation, provided they agree with our core values of honesty, independence, and populism.

Domestic Politics

1) We favor keeping taxes at their current level, and possibly lowering certain taxes, if a review shows that the economic benefit of doing so will compensate for the loss of state income.
2) We are willing to consider House of Lords reform if any bills are put forward doing so. Our members themselves are too new to eRepublik to judge whether reform is necessary, but we will not stand in the way if reform is proposed.
3) We favor reactivating the National Health Service, but with some reservations. We will not support a reactivation of the NHS unless a framework is put into place so that people do not abuse the gifting system. The NHS should serve to help new players who have gotten themselves stuck below 40 wellness, as well as advise them on how to use Hospitals so they do not wind up there again. It SHOULD NOT be a welfare system that wastes the government’s money. As such, players should be restricted to 2-3 uses, and a database should be set up to keep track of this.
4) We pledge to work with the other parties to avoid corruption and stamp it out where it occurs. We also oppose the use of bugged gold by any government agency or employee, though we are not against bending the game mechanics to help people make gold via achievements, except in cases prohibited by the game admins.
5) All government programs should be evaluated to see how much red tape can be removed. The goal is to make sure the government we have can work better.
6) We promise not to be obstructionist, and to carry out politics with a civil tone that doesn’t resort to personal attacks.

Military Policy

1) We support the military in its current form and would like any official or semi-official status the Corps may still have to be abolished. The Corps should not receive any funding in their current form.
2) We would like to see the military get more active and if elected, we will consult with the Ministry of Defense to try to find creative ways to do so. We support any idea that will increase recruitment.
3) We affirm that the government’s primary role should be to support the Armed Forces and protect our nation, as well as give our citizens the opportunity to level up via war.
4) While we do not support official status for the Corps in their current form, should any Corps agree to greater oversight by the Ministry of Defense, we would support giving them official status. This oversight would be formulated by the MoD’s own experts.

Foreign Policy

1) We support temporary neutrality while a full reevaluation of our Foreign Relations is completed. The length of this evaluation should be determined by the Executive and the diplomatic corps.
2) We have reservations against joining any Alliance, as we believe that it would erode our national sovereignty. However, we recognize that we are in a precarious position and neutrality is not possible for an indefinite period. Eventually, we will have to align with someone, which likely means joining an Alliance. We would support joining any Alliance that treats the eUK fairly compared to other Alliance members, and which advances the eUK’s own interests. We will not act to block the eUK from joining an Alliance that the public supports, even if we have reservations against said Alliance, but we will work to make sure our sovereignty is protected.
3) We support any efforts to craft an agreement with additional nations with regards to Training Wars, and reaffirm our support for the Training Wars with Ireland.