V2 - Vengeance Weapon Against the Elites?

Day 961, 08:10 Published in Finland Finland by Erwin Schauman

Despite the torrent of articles published recently that either hail V2 or curse it to the lowest levels of Hell, I still felt inclined to write about few things that caught my eye in the economic and war module which simply do not make sense to me.

.....................Economy module.....................

Generic, boring, overused picture depicting economy!

I guess we can all, or most, agree that the economy module looks and feels better than in the V1 version. Well, I am not really a big fan of the scantily clad hentai girls but who am I to judge people that prefer them? Graphics, however, are something that have the least impact to me. What I am more interested is the overall concept. The big picture, if you may.

The V2 economy module allows the General Managers to tailor their products which brings much needed differentiation in the market. This combined with the product search feature means that successful business management isn't just about who can manufacture the cheapest products (though that naturally still helps).

The user is given 24 hours to use during his gaming day to complete various activities. These activities being working, training for the army, studying and resting. It's entirely upto the individual where he wishes to emphasize the given hours. Some want to rise military ranks rapidly, some invest in the future and study while others are strapped of cash and need to work. It's a nice idea to let the users to have more impact on the development of their player character.

Quite good changes, admittedly, but these are made moot by the realities of the system.

The feature I find most annoying in this new system is undoubtedly the bubble gum fix placed in the products that increase wellness and happiness such as bread and tickets. I had a ticket leftover from V1 that said very clearly that it increases wellness and happiness by 1 when used. So I happily hopped on a plane to see new sights, only to find out that I lost 5 wellness and happiness at arrival. I dismissed it as a bug at first but unfortunately it wasn't.

Little research provided me this amazing line:

"The displayed health/happiness restore values are based on a citizen’s health/happiness of 50. If your citizen’s health/happiness is lower than 50, then the product will provide more health/happiness, and less if the health/happiness is higher than 50."

Apparently, instead of showing the user just how much a Q5 bread gives him wellness/happiness, it now mocks him and says all the stats it shows are based on wellness 50. What the hell? I am suppose to freaking calculate it now? In real world this would be called false advertising. In this world it is called a lazy way to ”fix” an issue since apparently users aren't suppose to get easy wellness and happiness anywhere so one has to urinate in their cereals by coming up with arbitrary, Soviet style Tac 'N Stick changes to make the entire system hold together.

Hopefully the admins understand to add a way to see just how much happiness and wellness products give you with your current wellness, instead of dumping all the responsibility on the users.

Now, moving on to the second issue. I imported all of my skills on engineer like many of you and now have the rank of guru*. Wohoo! If I study a lot to make more money and-- wait! Lets look at the productivity formula the admins finally put on the wiki first before getting carried away, shall we?

Productivity formula:

Productivity = 1/2 * A * B * (C + D) * E

A: Employees multiplier
B: Skill level
C: Health multiplier
😨 Happiness multiplier
E: Working hours

"B: Skill level." Skill level... so wait, all the surplus points I have on engineer are worthless and only the level matters!? Everyone who's at the same guru* level as me do exactly the same amount of productivity as me?!

Alright, alright. Calm down, Erwin. This can't be as bad as it seems. I am sure the level differences are very small to compens-- 80 000 POINTS?! I just got +63 for working 12 hours today! Even if I study 4 hours and work 8 hours a day with full health (how exactly?), it will still take 168 days to level up!

Now, one could use boosters to get there faster. The only problem being that it's going to cost you a dump truck full of gold AND hours that could be used somewhere else. Not to mention that in addition to the booster studying, you have to increase your happiness somehow and that takes gold yet again. Brilliant. It's going to take ages for that investment to pay for itself. Provided that you get a raise when you reach a new level, that is. And no, your salary isn't going to double. It's more than likely to get a 10% increase.

Okay, so studying doesn't seem all that smart at high levels. What else does V2 offer us to waste our hours on, then?

.....................Militar y module.....................

Why couldn't it be like Hogs of War? 🙁(

Naturally there's not all that much I can say about the military module. It isn't ready yet. Perhaps never is. I know what I saw during the testing and it's not going to be good until the issues with wellness recovery, cherry picking and hospital use are fixed.

I am not here to talk about those though. There's another thing about the war module, specifically in the skill importation, that is amusing.

You see, I had strength 22.something in V1. That's agreeably pretty low. Not enough to ever get proper government funding in fights in the form of wellness pack gold. That funding went to the monsters with strength 40+. Oh, how I envy them and their huge... wellness pack funding.

Now, lets look at the fighting formulas in V2 as per the defined by the almighty wiki.

Attack chance formula:

A = B + ((ATT - DEF) / (100 / (100 - 😎))

A: Attack hit chance
B: Basic Hit Chance (60 😵
ATT: Attack Value depending on weapon customization and including all bonuses
DEF: Defense Value depending on weapon customization, including all bonuses

Hmm... no mention of military skills having any impact. It seems that military training didn't teach you the basic skill of dodging. Oh well, even if the tanks of old are as lousy shots as Timmy 13 years old that just started playing, I am sure they'll do vastly more damage than the rest of us common mortals.

Lets see what the damage formula says, then:

D = ((1 + (S - 1)/10) × W) + R

😨 the soldier's damage
W: the weapon's basic damage
S: the soldier's weapon skill
R: random modifier

S: the soldier's weapon skill.” So wait, we are again looking at levels here, not the points that are between two levels? I am Field Marshal Veteran 10... lets look what Rupetot has then... must be 18 or something... Field Marshal Veteran* 11?! Well, this is a bit shocking but I am sure the level differences in damage are huuuuge. No need to panic! Lets see... veteran 10... increased weapon damage +90%... veteran* 11... increased weapon damage +100%?

So wait. This dude that made roughly thrice as much damage as me in V1 now only makes few points more?! And cannot hit any better than me?! Oo

Note that all these formulas are taken from Wiki, and although there's a fair chance that they are not correct (since when has Wiki ever been right?), and even larger chance that they will be ultimately changed, right now it seems that some matters weren't thought trough at all. Like how wasting an absurd amount of gold for months and months (333 days to rise from veteran* to veteran*😉 to train your military skill simply to get... +10% weapon damage. Woo..hoo?

If the formulas and concepts remain unchanged, I'd say the best idea for older users like me is not to train or study at all. If the points you have between skills are worth exactly zero, then continuous studying isn't going to increase your salary in the short run. You'll only get a salary increase after reaching a new level. Same with military training that bears fruit only when you reach a new skill rank. And even then the increase in your fighting potential is laughable. Certainly not worth the hundreds of gold wasted on Napoleon. Too bad for those who did that in V1.

So my scheme, under these settings, is simple: Work 12 hours a day, rest the rest. Working trains your work skill a wee bit and you even get paid for it! The money you gain from working can then be used in the military module which also conveniently increases military rank points. The 12 happiness you lose each day for working can be recovered by sleeping 12 hours without using boosters (or actually 11 hours is enough since the free booster gives you 1 extra).

Progress might be slower this way but seeing how there's little or no reason to progress, especially by paying gold for it, then maybe it's better to skip these unnecessary parts altogether.

Training and studying are for noobs.

V2 war module

-Erwin Schauman