V2 - Military

Day 888, 02:42 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by friendly fire

General stuff
Units and unit weaponry

What have the we been told so far about V2? Hopefully this bullet-pointed article can refresh your memory or inform you of what's in store for us all shortly...

General stuff

V2 will bring battlefield maps, new weapon skills and different unit/terrain advantages. This will throw the current military strategy out of the window, so back to the basics for everyone.

Players will engage in a player verses player style combat with the loser having to retreat off the battlefield and the winner remaining to fight on. So picking your fights wisely will be important. However the winner of a fight will have been weakened by their previous fight so will be easier for the next challenger. So the plan here should be not to despair if you come face to face with a titan but weaken him as much as you can so your brothers in arms may defeat this enemy after you fall.

Your weapon skill (your career as a tank driver, infantryman, artillery gunner, and helicopter pilot) will directly influence the damage your weapon deals. The higher your skill, the higher the damage output, you will thus be able to ‘Lord it’ over newer players but older players will ‘Lord it’ over you. As I said already teamwork is essential. Soldiers need to communicate, to have a strategy. The assault of a hot spot, like a bridge, will require not only sheer force but also strategy. For example imagine a tank trying to down a helicopter - it's not going to happen, the same way an infantryman is not going to destroy a tank. Working in partnership with your nations military will become a must.

Remember these anyone?


Expect different terrain types like plains, hills, forests, rivers, lakes, bridges, mountains, and cities.

Some terrains are only accessible for certain unit types, for example tanks will not be able to cross mountains. This will add a different dimension to warfare, bringing lines of assault into play.

Battles take place on maps with a size of 20x20 tiles. Each tile can host one building, be that a hospital or a defence system. We might see very long-lasting buildings covering just a small area around strategic points, like bridges. Or we can have buildings that cover the whole map with their 'area of effect', for the price of, for example, having a shorter life time. Again, it depends all on customization.

As forces can capture individual tiles, hospitals and other buildings can be captured too. Thus making defending specific tiles all the more important.

At the start there will be a small number of generic maps for all regions worldwide, but we can expect specialised maps in the future.

Units and unit weaponry

All fighting styles have a strength and a weakness. Infantry wins over anti-aircraft artillery, tanks win over infantry, helicopters win over tanks and anti-aircraft artillery wins over helicopters.

However the advantages/disadvantages don't end there. Units will have a specific type of terrain that they are more effective in, so disadvantages can be compensated for by moving the unit onto a tile with preferable terrain. e.g. Infantry, onto a forest tile.

Each fighting style will each have a specific weapon that can be used, e.g. infantry will use rifles, but tank drivers will not use rifles. All weapons will be customisable in four different areas: attack, defence, damage, and durability.

Attack improves the accuracy of your 'turn'.
Defence, decreases the enemies chance of hitting you.
Damage effects how much health is lost by your opponent when you land a shot on them.
And durability determines how long your weapon lasts for before it is 'used up'.

Each weapons style has a booster (e.g. Frag Grenades, Rocket Launchers, etc.) that will give you an advantage over your opponent.

Click here to enlarge

Above you can see the images for defence systems, helicopters, hospitals, rifles and tanks, but no pictures of artilery yet...


To win a battles the victory conditions must be met. These are: capture a certain percentage of all tiles of a battlefield map and capture the tile with the capital city. If both conditions have been completed after 24 hours the battle ends. If not, the battle will continue in sudden-death-mode until one side achieves the victory conditions. The battle must end with a draw after 72 hours if neither side can met the conditions. What happens in the event of a 'draw' has not be stated yet.

Another change in V2 is that only one battle may exist in a region at once. At the moment you can have multiple wars, but with the 'battle queue' you will have to 'wait in line'.

Before entering a battle you should have a look at the overview and start next to your comrades, as this will stop you being swamped but enemies. Being defeated instantly is no good for your nation so care should be taken if you make the most of your fighting ability.

To conclude we have a great deal of change around the corner. The keys to success are activity, knowledge and national pride. Without all three you are not fit to be an effective soldier as an intelligent soldier that is active but not proud will not fight with all he can. Like wise as soldier with poor activity won’t have the earned the recourses to fight effectively, and a soldier that doesn’t fight smart isn’t fighting well.

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