V2 is Not the Answer; V2 is the Question

Day 925, 23:34 Published in Canada USA by Mattoze5


Too many people, including, from what I’ve heard, many presidential candidates, have now placed their hopes for the future of this game on the mysterious , new, upcoming version called V2 (Version 2.) If there is anything I’ve learned from playing this game for over a year it’s that we shouldn’t rely on the admins to come through that well for us on new game entities. In many ways we can expect the new server to be much more beneficial but in many more other ways we can expect to lose a great deal.

For instance, I am positive that the new version will put a heck of a lot less reliance on national governments to provide for their new citizens. The admins are out to make real $$ and the national governments have either let too many new players, who may have contributed, slip away or have overly aided new players who never had or will have any intention of contributing. This will almost surely mean that the way the economy and the way daily routine is managed will change. Another aspect that we can be sure will change will be military/battles, whether it will be better or worse will most likely be an opinionated question depending on whether the admins slant it towards people with gaming skills or people with logic skills(like back in the day of trivia.) Both of these changes will probably be for the betterment of the game.

It’s the remaining aspects of the game that have already slipped away that I am afraid will most likely go forgotten or done away with altogether. Such aspects as political parties will be greatly diminished or ignored for the second time now (They were much more complex and easier to use mechanically in beta.) I also have a feeling that the media chapter of the game (papers, ads, and shouts) will also be largely diminished, detracted from, or ignored in order to make more room and dedicate more time to the military and economic factors. Gold rewards will also require more effort and a ridiculous amount of game time.

I realize that the potential for success in V2 is great, but what do you think the players of beta thought about V1? I think it’s great that Presidential candidates wish to prepare: I agree we should always be ready for this type of change, but to base their platform on the hopes that “the Christ is coming tomorrow” is taking the hope too far. I’m not saying we shouldn’t be excited, because I know I am 😉 but I’m just warning everyone not to get their hopes up and to expect the worst that way when the real V2 does come along it’ll truly seem better than ever 😃

Thanks for hearing me out 😉

Vote Dade Pendwyn for PMOC
And Vote Sir Valaro Volcrum for POTUS

God Bless All