V: A Pretty Cool Party President for a Pretty Cool Party

Day 1,029, 08:50 Published in USA USA by Little Old Halfling

Ladies and Gentlemen of the UIP, as Justin McCravok's choice for Vice Party President, and as an avid supporter of Mr. Keyblade, I would just like to take this time out to say why exactly you should vote for Justin. I figured I should get into the habit of doing something as VPP, so here is where I start.

Put simply, you have no choice other than to not vote. Justin is a guy who has spent hours of his precious time attempting to turn the UIP into a pretty cool guy.

Pretty cool guy holding a pretty cool flag

Seriously, he probs should spend more time on the homework, but it's pretty cool that all that effort and brainpower goes into the UIP instead. He's put out almost daily updates on the forum, hosted the first UIP Awards Show, started up the Daily Funnehs (which occasionally includes actual information) and is a chill bro on IRC.

Generally cool guy who still doesn't know whether we're laughing at or with him

Under his reign of supreme coolness (since I guess it's now a campaign theme since I've said it like 400 times) he has started up the first UIP Legislature, helped various other parties with ATO's and general funding, and even started up a Belgian branch of the UIP!

They like waffles

A legit guy is what we need for these times. A dude who knows the art of cool when it comes to politics. Justin McCravok is that man.

In conclusion, I have only this left to say.

Stay frosty.