USWP Writer's Corps, More Sign-Up Sheets, and Communications Team!

Day 751, 20:34 Published in USA USA by USWP Communications

Aloha! Welcome to another article on the latest USWP news. This article we will be covering an exciting new program in our party and give you the opportunity to make an impact!

USWP Writer's Corps

The following is a quote from James Roosevelt in this thread.
"For those of you who don't know, my name is James or JR and I am the Lackey, I mean Deputy Communications Director! One of the jobs I was given by Dodgercatcher was to create the first USWP writers corps. The writers corp's job is to aid our party's Senator's in writing articles and other things. See, many of our Senators don't have the time to write important articles and press releases as they are to busy...running the nation. That is why we want to create a group of people to help our Senate Caucus. I hope to have a group of at least five people who will help any USWP Senator if they ask for it. This group will write rough drafts for Senators to publish, things like post election articles, press releases, and maybe policy papers.
This will allow them to be more in touch with the electorate, more public and help them in reelection and pressing policy in the future. We want this to be a place where young faces can grow in the party. So if you're new and you want to get active, maybe run for congress, PP, or even Pres one day, this could be a great place to start

So if you want to join the writers corps please post these four things,
1) Name
2)erep Profile URL
3)How much you can work
4)You're favorite lol cat

James Roosevelt
I can work a fair amount after the 15th of December"

I suggest that if you are an active member and want to make a difference and meet new people and new friends to sign-up!

Communications Team

I have been postponing this for a little bit now so I should do this now. I have assembled a great Communications Team to help make the USWP the best ever! They are:

James Roosevelt, Deputy Communications Director
Patches O'Houlihan, Deputy Communications Director
Fionia, Deputy Communications Director

You could be on this list too! All you have to do is get active on the USWP Forums and show promise to me!

More Sign-Up Sheets

Last article there was an announcement about USWP Congressional Sign-Ups. Now this might not be for everyone which is why we have other ways you can contribute on election day. You can sign-up to be either a Blocker and/or a Mobile Voter. Both are explained on the sign-up sheets.

Written By:
DC - A Proud USWP Member