USWP Executive Board & Party Members Alike

Day 1,082, 18:56 Published in USA Canada by Haliman

Last election, you faced the decision between two awesome candidates.

One was hand picked by the past president. He was the logical successor to a great two terms, as well as a great PP choice.

Then, you faced another candidate. An underdog, and at that point, a relatively unknown candidate to the EB, but in good standing with the people.

In the end, you chose Laxsnor last month. Don't get me wrong, Laxsnor had a decent term. Problem is, communication bombed, and a lot of our programs died.

You may say, "but Laxsnor isn't in charge of every program in the party!"

I know that. But the Party President should recognize when a program, or even an entire branch of the party is dying, and fight to restart it, and refill the positions. They should be the main force pushing for improvements.

I sort of ran this platform last month, but this month, I need to come out and be blunt.

Real change. Good change.

The Militia - The Militia should be our greatest tool for keeping activity in the party, and well as getting new party members. Some people do not like the feeling of the military, since it may be overwhelming.

I like what Marxus and Revolgod have been doing with the militia, and I only wish to boost this.

I have always been a militia supporter, even before the USWP Rebirth. I did work with the Brolliance SHIELD Program, which was a multinational militia.

I think regular mass PMs, and an article every month could really give the militia the boost it needs to become even better than it already is.

Mass Messaging - We need some major overhaul here. We dropped the ball, and we need to rebuild. I will spearhead the reconstruction of our MM program, and will make sure they get whatever they need to be functional.

Member Services - Along with Communications, this should be our largest branch. Currently, it is not. We need to expand, and make sure our members always have something to do. UNDEAD was a great program, and I plan on bringing that back.

Cash4GOLD - WHILE FUNDS LAST! Want to get double the bang for your buck? I may be borrowing this idea from our compatriots, the great Federalist Party, but I do so because it is a great idea. If you donate one gold to an appropriate USWP org (org yet to be determined), as well as PM me an article you wrote, you will get two gold worth of advertisement.

I know the title Cash4GOLD doesn't logically make sense, but hey, it's catchy. "Hal, how is C4G going? 😃

Communication - Communication between Laxsnor and the Party have, to be blunt, sucked this month. Lax should have taken advantage of being PP, and post articles to try to keep morale high, as well as detail upcoming programs.

I keep an open line of Communication with the party, and feel that that would be the best way to govern; by doing by the people, and keeping the party happy.

Recruitment - We are America's top party. We will not remain this way unless we continue to keep old members informed, and new members intrigued. We have shifted from being the party of old, to the party of new.

We are the best party there is; it's time we started to show independent voters that.

If there has one thing I have not been able to stress enough, it is this: Major change is needed. We need to adapt to the world, and become a much better party. As USWP PP, I will fight to make this happen.

We almost got the job done last month, with a tie. Let's show the party that we're still here, and that the people hold the true power in the party!



Let's fix this party!