USA & Serbia - Friends At Last!

Day 1,740, 12:24 Published in USA USA by Ronald Gipper Reagan

The news just broke that Serbia will be joining the USA in our new alliance. It is joyous news indeed that now we are finally friends, and those who seek to hate on our allies are the REAL traitors. 🙂 Let's hope this will be a long and beautiful friendship!

Once again, since the USA is now in an alliance with Serbia, their citizens should be granted open access to US citizenship. The elites on PigInZen's private congressional forums will of course try to think that their off-game rules are more important than game mechanics, but they are wrong. The fact is that the US is now allied with Serbia, and to oppose this is treasonous and against the military interests of the eUSA.

The Serbian-American community has tried very hard to become part of our country. Unlike the INCI, the Serbs actually try to speak english and to integrate. Remember, the US is a big melting pot, not a tossed salad. We should welcome all friends and allies who wish to stand by our side. I also have many other friends from Balkan nations, and they know I love them too. I am looking out for what is best for the US in terms of ATO security in the USA, and in terms of our military security internationally. This alliance is one of the best things that has ever happened to the USA. Opposition by the elites proves this conclusively. 🙂