USA Salvation Army Companies Open

Day 801, 06:14 Published in USA USA by Environmental Protection

Today, The Salvation Army opened all three of its recently acquired companies - all generous donations from outstanding eAmericans.

USA Salvation Army Gifts is a gift manufacturing company donated to The Salvation Army by philanthropist Max McFarland. This manufacturing company will employ low skilled workers while providing a low cost alternative to the gifting program of The Salvation Army.

USA Salvation Army Iron is the second company that Max McFarland donated. It is a company to help low skilled land workers get employment.

USA Salvation Army Food Bank is a food manufacturing company donated by famed politician and Seal Team Six founder Josh Frost. This manufacturing company will also employ low skilled workers while providing a low cost alternative to the food program of The Salvation Army.

EDIT: Since the publishing of this article: an anonymous citizen also donated a weapons company.

USA Salvation Army Weapons

I want to personally thank these amazing eAmericans for their generous donations.

Jude Connors
Founder, The Salvation Army