USA Party Strength Day 908

Day 908, 07:20 Published in USA USA by Benedict James

Here is the BJ Party Strength Indicator for Day 908. Comments and suggestions are welcome.

APF 79 (+1)
FED 40 (+2)
UIP 37 (-4)
SEES 31 (0)
REP 26 (+1)
LIBS 25 (0)
SFP 8 (-1)
NoS 8 (+1)
BP 7 (+1)
TPA 6 (0)
DR 6 (0)

The biggest change today comes as a result of a drop in UIP recruitment and a pick-up in FED recruitment, where the FEDS recruited nearly twice as many newbs (lvls 7-9) as UIP did.

Also worth noting is the rise of NoS, as they are poised to overtake the SFP. They are a young party with a bright future.