USA insults Australia - Its most trusted friend gets shafted

Day 1,896, 22:24 Published in Australia Australia by Mr Crumpets

Good Evening eWorld,

For as long as anyone in this game can remember, the eUSA and eAustralia have been close allies and more importantly, closer friends.

At some stages we have been in different alliances, but never squared off at each other, such was the mutual respect.

In 2009 when many nations ganged up on the eUSA and attempted to wipe them from the map, eAustralian soldiers in their hundreds move to the America to help the eUSA defend it's soil.

Later that year it was paid back in kind, when the eUSA teamed up with EDEN to free Western Australian from the evil clutches of eIndonesia.

So naturally, when the eUSA was making moves to join CoT, eAustralia started moving it's stack to stay allies with our best friends.

This was a MASSIVE CALL by eAustralia, as becoming Pro-CoT meant forgiven eChile and eIndonesia who have both occupied us for long periods of time that no American has ever had to face.

Of late there has been tension between eAustralia and eChile over the treaty. Mainly this was due to eArgentina starting RWs, which included a successful one in Tasmania that the Aussies did not want.

At the same time, eIndonesia had been demanding Western Australia off the Aussies for NOTHING!

Then Ronell the former PTOer of eSouth Africa, the woman responsible for the eAustralia/eNew Zealand Training War going astray leading to eChile's invasion of our country, gets into the ear of the new eChile Government claiming we breached the treaty and they should NE us!

All of this from New Zealand, Indonesia and Chile countries we are supposed to be becoming allies with, all looking to screw us over.

However, we held out hope. Brazil had been a former enemy, but handed back eAustralia our $200,000 treaty bond on the 20th of Janunary finding that we honoured the treaty with eChile.

Plus to our the great relief, the eUSA was a co-signatory to the treaty. Our best friend was there for back-up in a war or to help negotiate if things got tricky...


The eAustralia Parliament has been rocked to the core to discover that a meeting was held about the treaty by CoT, eChile, eBrazil and our so-called best friend the eUSA.

Based on one sided information, most of it from the spin of the former PTOer of eSouth Africa Ronell and with NO eAustralian diplomat present they came to the conclusion to support Chile in its NE of eAustralia.


The citizens of eUSA once awarded (what about about to award to them) the following award to eIndia for allowing eSerbia to pass through their land to Asia about a year or two again.

It has not been awarded since, but I feel the eUSA for what it just did to its best friend and ally eAustralia thoroughly deserves this...


P.S. "Hey TWO... got room for another country?"

Mr Crumpets
Founder, Senator and Party President of the Green and Gold Party