USA I call you to fight for Australia !

Day 477, 05:05 Published in USA Romania by OchiReci

Message for American People :

My dear friends and ATLANTIS colleges let`s help our sister Australia in regaining the freedom she desire. With your arms loaded in the spirit of truth for the good of the world, with our arms loaded in the spirit of Atlantis and with there arms loaded in the spirit of freedom we will win. Because , YES WE CAN!

Buy the best weapons you can get and take the fastest moving ticket to Western Australia

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Message for Australian People :

I know you all was sold out to Indonesia by your government, but CAN YOU STAND AND DO NOTHING WHEN YOU HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO FIGHT AGAINST INDONESIA?

I give you the chance to express your felling in the battle field and to prove that your country is not dead, and that in fact Australia is ALIVE.

You all can prove that you have the power and the will that can change the world

I know you all love your country. But, without ACTION, these are just words. TAKE ACTION NOW and DO SOMETHING for YOUR country! Buy the best weapons you can get and take the fastest moving ticket to Western Australia

Good Luck my dear friends and hope to fight side by side with you on the battle field. For the Glory and for the Future of Australia.