Urgent Notice To All South Africans !

Day 443, 04:21 Published in South Africa South Africa by Black8Shadow

Erdwurn has requested that I assist him in the publishing of his response to the letter sent out by Brendan E Austerion. I believe that spamming everybody’s mail with lies and a total distortion of the truth is not the way to do it and defiantly not gentlemen like which is exactly why I would not vote for the recent BLF leaders Dues Ex was someone you could lookup too but what happen since then?

Here is the letter from Austerion and Erdwurm’s response:

Hey! By now you will know that I'm Brendan E Austerion and I'm running for the Presidency. In less than twelve hours, it will be election day. I have stated my platform and my stands in various articles and comments: all may view. I will be open, pursue betterment of the nation AND freedom: I will make this place- economy, miliary, wellness and all, mighty again.
I have been smeared, accused of incompetence and frivolousness, and my opponent ERDWURM and his party backs an economic plan which will bring us ruin (he and his friends defend it as a risk worth trying: But I say that we should be cautious with our future and not throw it to the lottery.
Remember- cast your vote wisely. Vote for the candidate of action, leadership, openness, progress- vote Austerion, and vote eSouth Africa. But no progress can be accomplished without winning the elections- so I ask for your help.

Erd response:

It has come under my attention that my opposition candidate has sent out a letter to all, To inform them of how bad our policy will be for the country and how we have slandered his name in public.
I just wish to state that any of these accusations are false and that any man that knows me can vouch after the fact that I confront any man whosoever stoops down to the level of slandering the opposition.
I have also stated that our economic policy will work in the long run. The opposition are scared and want to go the conservative way, never risking anything. We are not evil Capitalists, looking out for ourselves as they would like to make out, we have every citizen in mind and are working towards a non artificial stable economy.
We as a party will and always stand for the freedom of our lands from occupation, it will come we work at it, but Rome was not built in a day.
I say High risk high reward, Vote Free Africa, Vote for our future.


So for sensible leadership and a mature President VOTE ERDWURM!!!!!! DON’T ROLL LIKE THE Austerion’s of the world resorting to lies and BS it will come bite you later in your Assterion section!