Upgrade Your Training Grounds: Economical convenience [EN]

Day 1,560, 01:17 Published in Croatia Croatia by ITAK_Surfing86

Today the admins introduce the newly Q2 training grounds:

You have to pay 20 Golds to upgrade a single ground to Q2 level.

So the 1st think that i say: "Is it convenient?"

Let do some math:

***Special Forces Center***

Special forces center gives you +10 strength, +20 str. upgraded and it costs 1,79 golds every day.

20/1,79=11,17. So 12 days to reach the usefulness, i think is a few time.

This upgrade is useful if you use it at least for 12 days.

****Climbing center******

Climbing center gives you +2,5 strength, +5 str. upgraded and it costs 0,19 golds every day.

20/0,19=105. So 105 days to reach the usefulness. More than 3 months.

This upgrade is useful if you use it at least for 105 days.

***Free training ******

Free training gives you +5 strength, +10 str. upgraded and it is free every day.
So the former evaluation on usefull is not possible.
I think this so.
We have however the Super Soldier Medal.
With free training Q2 we will have 5 strength more every day. So, 250/5= 50 days. We will have 5 golds in 50 days. So in 200 days we will have 20 golds more with this upgrade.
200 days to reach the ROI.

So, how much time does it require to return your investment? (ROI)
200 days
*******Shooting range ******

Shooting range gives you +5 strength, +10 str. if upgraded and it costs 1,49 golds every day.

20/1,49=13,42. So 14 days to reach the usefulness.

This upgrade is useful if you will use it at least for 14 days.

Litte Resume:

Special Forces Center= 12 days
Shooting range = 14 days
Climbing center = 105 days
Free training = 200 days


Info: free training will not have anymore the friends and Natural Enemy bonuses.
Admins, what will be your next step? DO YOU WANT US TO PAY ALSO TO PRESS THE LOGIN BUTTON?

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Upgrade Your Training Grounds
Economical convenience [EN]