Updates (July 31, 2011)

Day 1,349, 06:35 Published in Japan Ireland by Hitoshi Makoto

For those in the D&D Club, the session sadly did not pan out. This is due mostly to bad timing. One of our members just couldn't come, and another said they were having guests over and of course could not also come. As for the last, I don't know...could be dead somewhere.
However, this gives everybody an extra week to get ready and build better characters for next week's section (it's going to be same time, Saturday from 15:00-18:00 eRep time). If it doesn't go well next week, then possibly we may need to make a schedule change.

Also, the Emperor may be ill with a delirium brought on by a heavy fever. After much discussion on the dismal state of our forums, including suggestions to abandon and forge a new forum (I believe it would be our third or fourth, someone clarify that for me please), the emperor as allowed resident Nowe to have mild administration rights on the forum. As one analyst said "it would be like allowing a wolf guard the hen house" I will allow you to make your own judgements on the good or bad nature of this decision. Wolf, meet hens.

Nevertheless, I fear for the Emperor's health.

Finally, even though we have 5 registered members, we are still looking for players to join our D&D club (in case others cannot make it it's always nice to have back-ups, or perhaps even larger groups). Same thread's up, post your character sheet and you will be invited to the on-forum social group. The social group has discussion boards where you can discuss run-times, dice-rolling procedure, and hopefully much more as topics become relevant.

If there is something you want to see to improve these updates, whether it be pictures, quotes, banners, or whatever; comment here. I'm open to your suggestions.
Hopefully I won't have to make daily updates in the future, going to try to slim it down to every few days. Until then, though, enjoy the elegant foolishness of my writing style.

Bye for now.