Updates #1

Day 987, 19:19 Published in Canada Canada by Duke Leto

Hey subscribers! For those of you who have not subscribed yet click the big blue button in the top right hand corner. If you are already subscribed to me, do not click this button or I will hunt you down and kill you.

I am here to do some updates on my new series that I am doing, Hell Hath Frozen Over (HHFO). The reason why I am doing this is because people have been coming up to me and telling me, "Is it done yet?" or "When it is coming out?" The reason why a new one has not been out yet is because I am setting up an enjoyable plot. This series will have many characters involved so it will be hard to keep track of them all (unless I kill them all off 😉 )and will take me time to see if any events conflict with themselves.

I am scared because an acquaintance of mine, devilcarrier, had a lot of his work deleted for being too realistic and having some sexual content (not pointless sex, but sex that has a point.) I have come up with a lot of plots and subplots which involve sex and I am trying to figure out what I can do to get around that without getting banned. So those scenes may or may not happen.

Part two will be released after my CP article (which should be out tomorrow). On that note I am to mention to any Judges that I will be gone from the 7th till the 22nd, so I cannot accept the award if I win if you plan on doing it mid August.

I have decided to 7-click until I finish HHFO, which will be released on a weekly basis on Saturdays or Sundays.

Those are my updates for today. I will try to finish these two projects as fast as I can. I am Duke Leto and you are not.