Update to Today's New Objectives

Day 1,372, 13:07 Published in USA USA by Chutley
Additional New Mission

Survive Earthquake

The world is ending. Survive today's pseudo-apocalypse so that you may experience the imminent actual Armageddon.

- Live or move (using a Q5 moving ticket) to a location that has been rocked by today's earthquake
- Unless you or someone you know personally has been injured, keep complaints to a minimum. This means you may only shout about the earthquake once. Multiple shouts will result in an eRep-simulated quake which will cause the forfeiture of any remaining Q1-Q5 eRepublik house or Town Hall.

Still be living by 3:00 AM EST

- Pro: you didn't die
- Con: you still get to waste your time on eRepublik.

My Own Analysis
In light of the paltry value of the rewards, it seems like completing this mission is merely optional. I recommend doing nothing and hoping for the best.
