Update: New titles Adult and Young citizen

Day 1,822, 05:18 Published in Sweden Sweden by Jedi Schmedi
"Day 1,822:

Starting today, we have implemented two new titles: Adult and Young.

This new titles will be displayed on your citizen profile page, under your eRepublik birthday.

Citizens with strength over 50 will receive automatically the Adult title and they will not be affected by this change.

This change will affect only the new citizens that will receive the Young title and they will not have access to a list of feature until they reach the Adult title.

List of features that will be unavailable for the Young citizens:

- Adding offers on the Monetary Market;
- Buying more offers from Monetary Market;
- Voting for Elections;
- Sending more than one Personal Message every 15 minutes;
- Post Products on sale;
- Buying more offers from Market;
- Donating Currency, Gold or Items;
- Hiring citizens in your Companies;

In order to reach the Adult title, a Young citizen, must solve the “Become an Adult” mission."

Är detta ett krafttag emot användandet av "multi's"?
Hur kommer detta påverka eRep?
Är det en bra taktik att undanhålla stora delar av spelet för nya, och i så fall varför?
Vad tror ni?

Man kan iaf önska ett straff för dem som "fuskar". 😉
