Update from the Ministry of Fun: New And Exciting Contest

Day 1,087, 15:21 Published in New Zealand New Zealand by WahooBob

The Ministry of Fun announces a new contest which actually requires some effort from New Zealand’s citizens: an essay contest. Basically, here’s the deal. Start with something inspiring, such as a song or poem. Take a few lines and relate them to eRepublik. It could be eNew Zealand, the Admin, or just the game in general.

Write it in MS Word or a similar program so you can keep track of its length. If single spaced in 12-point Times New Roman font, your submission should be more than one page but less than two. Publish it in your newspaper with [MoFun Essay Contest] in the title. If you don’t have a newspaper, post it on the forums. Either way, send me a link. The deadline for submission is Wednesday, November 17th.

I do ask that all entries are in English, so that everyone can understand them. I know that there are a lot of people in our community who do not speak English as their first language. If this is the case for you, we still want your submission. Translate as best you can, and maybe find an English speaker to iron out the wrinkles for you. You could even offer them a portion of the prize if you win?

There is no entry fee for this competition. The winner will be determined by myself and a committee of government people picked by myself. The first place prize for this contest will be 5 Gold, and there may be additional prizes depending on how large of a budget the New Zealand Congress gives me.

As a reminder, No-Shave November is still happening. The deadline to sign up is this coming Monday the 15th. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, read this post on the New Zealand forums.

Remember, it’s MoFun in New Zealand. 😉