Update from Congress

Day 1,931, 19:31 Published in USA USA by Clint Carmel

So, I promised an update to my loyal readers on what is going on in the world of Congress. Today is actually a very exciting day, with several votes split practically down the middle.

Here is what has taken place over the last week:

6 days ago:
Law proposals: Alliance

John Killah, the ePresident of eUSA proposed a mutual protection pact with Switzerland. This was approved, 46 to 7.


4 days ago:
Law proposals: Alliance

Proposed by zebosk, the ePresident of eParaguay proposed a mutual protection pact with USA. This was approved, 42 to 6.

Law proposals: Natural Enemy
Proposed by New Faustian Man. Spain has been proposed as Natural Enemy.
Rejected, with only 13 in favor and 32 opposed.

3 days ago
Law proposals: Income Tax

Proposed by Shane McCoy that income tax change from 25% to 5%. This was rejected with 19 in favor and 29 opposed. A very sad moment for Congress this month, as this was the proposal rejection that upset Shane so much, coming as it did right after this rejection:

Law proposals: Minimum Wage

Proposed by Shane McCoy that minimum wage change from 1 USD to 10 USD.
This was rejected, with 14 yes votes and 35 no votes.


Law proposals: Alliance

Proposed by Marko Aberst. The President of Mexico proposed a mutual protection pact with USA. This was approved, 32 to 9.


Law proposals: Natural Enemy
Proposed by Ronald Gipper Reagan. Republic of China (Taiwan) has been proposed as Natural Enemy. Approved, 46 to 5.


Law proposals: Alliance
Proposed by Lupusorul tainic. The President of Republic of Moldova proposed a mutual protection pact with USA. Approved, 41 to 7.

Several other votes are currently pending.