Update day 726

Day 726, 10:51 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by Republic of Pakistan Treasury

As my article hasnt gotten any donations, I am forced to write another.

My companys are doing a good thing, I know you don't fully trust me yet, but I promise this is for the greater good of pakistan and not my own profits, Infact I'm spending most of my money to keep this working due to the lack of donations, I'm just asking that you donate mabye a gold that you get from a award or something, It's really not that much....

_My goals as of now are_
Upgrade food/grain company for better products that are cheaper.
Make a diamond company in high product region
Make gift company in pakistan with market trading to the country with high diamond region and sell gifts for very cheap.
Make a lottery simular to smiles lottery for pakistan with same idea in general(donating money to pakistan treasury)

Now, this may seem like a lot of gold...and it is but i'm not setting a exact time i need it, and going at the pace I am going at the moment, i'll be broke with 2 non-employeed companys in pakistan.

P.S thanks to BGBW for working at my food company for a low wage as I am unable to pay a higher wage.

And thanks to everyone working for me.