Update 16 Sept 08

Day 301, 14:53 Published in USA USA by Immunogenic
Iran Embassy

The Embassy of Iran has been built in Washington, DC. We welcome them to the USA on behalf of the nation. It is hoped that relations with Iran continue to be positive.

Libertarian Party Elections

Following Martin Sunter's resignation from the Libertarian Party leadership (and consequent ban). Ikenstein ran an ad hoc election. I and many others were not entirely happy with the way the elections were held, however GeekyGator has been voted in as interim Party Leader and will be running a democratic election. It is important that the Party now focuses on the local elections. All Libertarian members should check out the latest [a url=http://www.erepublik.com/press_release-38741.html]Libertarian Party Press Release[/a]

Mayoral Unemployment Initiative

By now most mayors should have been contacted about the plans for the Mayoral Unemployment Initiative. If you are a mayor of an eUSA city and have not been contacted yet, please contact Took Lowind or myself and we will fill you in on the details.

Writing Contest

Royamen, the Cultural Life Director, has been running a Writing Contest. Please be sure to read his article [a url=http://www.erepublik.com/article-619772.html]here[/a] and contribute!