Upcoming elections; think before you vote.

Day 775, 21:07 Published in USA USA by Necrosis
I will stop, I will stop at nothing.
Say the right things when electioneering
I trust I can rely on your vote.

When I go forwards you go backwards
and somewhere we will meet.

Electioneering – Radiohead

The hardest part of any article that I write is choosing a good and somewhat related song to go with it. I generally listen to punk/rock/metal, a vast field to choose from. This was even harder; with such music, how does one narrow down the best song dealing with the mistakes of high profile politicians? In the end, there was only once choice, a song about stopping at nothing to get votes (Ironic considering the content of this article, I will admit.)

So, what is this? Someone who is pretty much apolitical (I can’t name the top 5 parties in the USA, for instance) writing an article, to do with politicians just twenty four hours before elections? Something is up, and up it is, unfortunately. Allow me to preface my criticisms by saying I voted for Jewitt last election. Not based on his invading the UK national goals. Nothing like that; I like the guy, and considered him more than capable of doing the job. Heck, he deserved the medal based on the fact that he’d been Vice President for about a billion terms beforehand; surely he knows how it works, yes?

Alas, it seems not. I’m going to list several of the major problems with the administration as I see it. You may agree, or disagree, that is fine. Just read and think.

No guns for Huns in Kyushu
A forgivable mistake in my eyes, but a big mistake nonetheless that cost the battle. Guns for Huns is where civilians are given free guns for major home battles, in order to cost effectively increase damage output. Its a great thing, I love it, and ran a similar thing when I used to be in charge of the eUK’s military. This was not given the go ahead to run in this battle. With the battle being decided by tens of thousands of damage points, and the increase gained by such a program being over the 100,000 mark, its simple to see that this was a massive contributing factor.

Now, I’ve been in military command myself. I understand, mistakes are made, this isn’t a deal breaker for his term at all. Mistakes do get made. Ultimately, we got through, the important thing. Cost an arm and a leg, but we made it. Awesome. The USA in Asia, this hasn’t happened since Vietnam and that wen- oh. We’ll gloss over that

Region swap errors
Another non deal breaking problem, so don’t expect much on this. It was simple really, don’t do region swaps while the people who can block them are awake. Doing them at about 11PM Hungarian time was not the greatest move, lets be honest. Ah well, bad things happen. It was all fixed in the end, just cost a little extra.

Alongside this, a battle hero medal scandal threatened to break out, but it went fine in the end. It was mostly a lack of communication from the Jewitt administration. That’s fine, I defended him on this, I know as well as anyone else that these things can be rushed. I sat in on some of the swaps that got Hungary to Hellokitty in the first place, even a small delay can cause a block for 24 hours. Ok, thats only 2 things, mistakes happen. Still cool

Who watches the button?
Apologies for the lame heading, it is 4AM.

One of the major things in an eRepublik conflict is being online at the right time to press the attack button. This can mean the difference between a win in an entire war, and a loss. Parter missed an attack during the Russian invasion of North America, and had to get Colombia all the way through Mexico just to cover the mistake. Heres where I begin to waver in my support.

When your country is involved in a military campaign as pivotal and important for the current and future of eRepublik, you do not miss things like this. things like this are the difference between winning and losing. This has happened more than once too, but the current situation, in Inner Mongolia could be the worst of them all. This could give Hungary the ability to roll the USA back to Hawaii.


After the China attack and resistance war had ended (a good tactical move to begin with, preventing Hungary having the initiative for more than 24 hours in theory), Jewitt needed to have been there, giving his F5 button some sweet, sweet loving. This was not the case, and now the entire campaign is again at risk. A damm shame, I personally wanted another crack at Hellokitty. You know, one that isn’t a ‘block’

Hellokitty was just a ‘block’

For readers who are unaware, a block is when a country attacks in order to prevent another country from attacking

How glad I was when I read Jewitt’s article explaining that the attacks on Hellokitty were a “Necessary block”. How glad I am that I wasted guns on a block. How pleased I was to see that I quit a well paid job to come over to the USA, for a block. Personally, this was the straw that broke the camels back. Many will cite the Inner Mongolia problem later in the day, but for me, this was it. It sounds like something I wrote when I used to be second in command in the UK, and we had just failed miserably in attacking Norway. (Similar walls, if memory serves me correctly.

I was wrong, Jewitt is wrong. Boy is he wrong. Hellokitty was a loss. A loss to the tune of about 3,200 in attack costs, and over 5,000 in wellness packs. No problem, it is just a block. My arse. This was an attempt at taking the region. Not the best one, there were many problem with the overall military strategy, and ultimately, as the buy who pushes buttons, the buck stops at Jewitt’s door here. We could blame Gauis Julius. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and general military wig. I’m sure he knows that mistakes were made, thats fine. Military problems happen, the best strategicians can deal with the mistakes more than the perfect situation.

He is not belittling the effort, cost, and scale of the battle though. For me, that is what this comes down to. This is just pure electioneering; we weren’t going to win, vote for me again please, I want another medal.

Election and re-election

Jewitt was elected in a slightly controversial manner. Jokingly saying he’d invade the eUK, and then adding it to his national goals gathered him enough votes to beat the incumbent Josh Frost. Originally running to ensure that a quality second place candidate was in place in order to deal with unexpected impeachments, Jewitt won with a fairly respectable margin. I was pleased, while knowing he wouldn’t attack the UK, I thought everything would be good for the rest of the month. Kinda guess I was wrong.

I log on this morning, or this afternoon, whenever I crawled out of my nice warm bed, and saw an article bemoaning Woxan’s national goals bug. Great I thought, bugs again, ah well, at least Jewitt wont have done the invade the UK trick again. I haven’t been that wrong since I predicted England would win the World Cup in 2006.

If Jewitt can use fake promises to get votes, surely I can use glorious breasts to achive the same thing?

This is a cheap move, in all honesty. I had thought Jewitt above doing this again. Evidently not. Its just an election move to garner votes from you, the uneducated masses. Allow me to state something, right here right now.

Invading the UK as things stand is a suicidal move

Thanks for listening to that public service announcement. War is good, bad wars which will gain nothing for us, or our allies are terrible. Don’t do them. Fight smart, don’t fight against silly odds.

In conclusion

I’ll be voting for Woxan when I get to press that wonderful vote button. Its the best choice, not for any political reason, but for the betterment of the country. A catalogue of errors, stated above, and several more not stated in this article at all. I wanted to vote for Jewitt, really, I did, but I can't let myself, or anyone else for that matter, vote for him in good conscience with the prosperity of the country at stake.
