Upcoming Country president elections

Day 2,382, 11:50 Published in Netherlands Croatia by Lord Jale

The following elections are for the most ungrateful position in this game ... Place a head of state.
I read the presidential candidacy of our guys, and honestly with never once really something impressed, yet the president does not need to be a journalist .. so maybe it does not matter.

I do not doubt the quality of the candidates, Kordak, Cody Caine,epix ... They are all good guys .. But here we do not play good and bad guys. We need knowledge, we need severity, and charisma .. we need a president, not a goodwill ambassador. The plan, the project before the election .. what better realization after.

Also the president should not ignore former friendship with allies, because, believe me, there is invested enormous effort from the very beginning, and every flirting with new Alliance is a finger in the eye to all that what is built in our homeland.

The President does not have to know all the segments, the economy, monetary policy .. military rule .. but need to know who knows it, because it is in fact the whole point of the job. His ministers, assistants, counselors make himself. These people he must hold as drop of water in the palm of your hand, every day with them to be in touch, to believe them, but he should also control them and monitor their work.

As far as the small gold medal .. that will brighten the future president erep account .. she is so little gilt in proportion to the obligations, work, responsibility, and you do not have to emulate it .. it's irrelevant!

I am personally potentially assistant minister if Cody Caine confirmed me. MY CHOICE ARE YOU ALL, BUT my vote would go to epix.
That man has never failed nation. He was given a chance, he got a big task and obligation, and its job he has worked flawlessly.

I'm glad he is running and that all the work Netherlands put into it is born .. the most beautiful fruit of knowledge. In this envelop more ambition, hard work, diligence and you'll get the picture who is epix..

I wish you much success in the presidential elections, but also just and fair fight.

Whoever got to got .. it will be my president.

Lord Jale
Congress member